BioElectronics Corporation announced the commencement of a clinical study investigating the efficacy of ActiPatch in treating chronic lower back pain. The objectives of this additional back pain study are to support Mundipharma’s Australia and New Zealand sales and marketing, provide local economic data for product reimbursement, and to document ActiPatch’s effectiveness on central sensitization pain. Chronic low back pain is very challenging to treat given its association with “cenbtral sensitization”, as sufferers experience exaggerated pain perception and are often resistant to standard treatments. The study will involve 142 subjects who have been suffering with low back pain for more than 3 months at the time of enrollment into the study, which is scheduled to take place over a 30-day period and involve two visits. During the first visit, baseline data about the subject, including pain intensity, functionality and sleep quality will be collected. They will then receive, randomly, either an active or sham ActiPatch device along with instructions on how to use it for the next 30-days. During the final follow up visit, additional data will be collected to evaluate improvements in pain and other outcome measures. The study is being conducted by the Pain Management Center of the prestigious Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia. The principal investigator (PI) leading the study is Graeme Campbell, a physiotherapist, supported by his team of physicians and clinical researchers.