Biogen Inc. announced the appointment of Matt Griffiths as senior vice president and chief information officer (CIO). He will report to the company's executive vice president of Technology and Business Solutions, Adriana Karaboutis. Mr. Griffiths was promoted to the CIO role from his position as vice president of Pharmaceutical Operations and Corporate Information Technology, having joined Biogen from Dell earlier 2015.

Mr. Griffiths will develop Biogens overall strategy for enterprise information technology (IT), including business engagement, global solution development and support, and infrastructure, while also supporting the company's core business and growing pipeline. Further, he will work closely with groups across Biogens technology and business solutions units on efforts to accelerate drug discovery and development through insights from real-world data analytics and improve patient care through the use of mobile, wearable and imaging technologies. Prior to joining Biogen, Mr. Griffiths spent 16 years at Dell where he held numerous IT roles in both Europe and the United States.