BrightInsight, Inc. and bioMérieux announced a partnership to develop and bring to market a Clinical Digital Solution for diagnostics enabling clinical decision support for disease areas across their diagnostic tests. As healthcare providers are increasingly charged with delivering better patient outcomes at a lower total cost of care, it is critical that clinicians leverage the insights delivered by high value diagnostics in a timely, optimal manner. To address this healthcare need, bioMérieux will launch a digital solution for diagnostics leveraging the compliant BrightInsight® Platform and BrightInsight Disease Management Solution; technology which can be configured to meet the highest regulated digital health Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) classifications.

This solution will improve clinical workflows, contextualize disease awareness, and ultimately enable a more holistic patient view to support clinicians in making actionable, informed decisions. bioMérieux's Clinical Digital Solution will launch first in the US, with planned global expansion.