Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. announced that it has signed a letter of intent with BetterFedFoods, LLC, to create a mutually beneficial strategic relationship between the companies.  For the last decade, BetterFedFoods and NBO3 Technologies have developed animal health & welfare solutions associated with incorporating algae into livestock feeding systems.  Their patented technology delivers Omega 3 EPA long chain fatty acids to the animal through its feed.  Based on extensive academic research sponsored by BetterFedFoods, their product improves overall animal health and provides a higher feed-to-weight gain ratio and a higher carcass value due to better marbling, while reducing enteric methane emissions of livestock, along with other Climate Smart impacts. Moreover, balancing the animals Omega 6:3 ratio improves animal health by reducing joint inflammation, increasing stress tolerance, improving respiratory issues, and reducing heart disease – as it does for humans.  In recent years, BetterFedFoods has expanded its Climate-Smart Premiums Program focus to growing another strain of algae that enhances plant photosynthesis and increases microbial activity in the soil, both of which lead to healthier and higher yielding feed crops.