Guo Hongbao signed an agreement to acquire Xi’an Mei’an Fire Fighting Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd from Shaanxi J&R Fire Fighting Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300116) for CNY 20.1 million on December 15, 2015. Xi’an Mei’an Fire Fighting Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd reported total assets of CNY 9.71 million, total liabilities of CNY 0.03 million, net assets of CNY 9.69 million, revenues of 0 million, operating and net loss of CNY 0.25 million in 2014. The transaction is subject to approval of shareholders’ of Shaanxi J&R Fire Fighting. The Board of Shaanxi J&R Fire Fighting approved the transaction. Guo Hongbao cancelled the acquisition of Xi’an Mei’an Fire Fighting Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd from Shaanxi J&R Optimum Energy Co., Ltd (SZSE:300116) on December 15, 2016.