Ralph W. Shrader Featured inProfiles in Diversity Journal

Booz Allen Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ralph W. Shrader highlighted the importance of the firm's diversity and inclusionary practices, policies, and initiatives in the most recent issue of Profiles in Diversity Journal. Dr. Shrader emphasized the importance that personnel from diverse backgrounds help drive the firm's innovative thinking and new solutions.

Dr. Shrader is actively involved in Booz Allen's diversity programs, strategic sponsorships, and community outreach.Profiles in Diversity Journal'sspecial 2014CEO Leadership in Actionissue, Dr. Shrader defines how these efforts help empower staff to succeed in the workplace and in client work. Promoting diversity is one of the firm's Core Values and Booz Allen has embedded diversity and inclusionary practices throughout its employee lifecycle and people programs.

As a strong proponent of opportunities for both women and minorities, Dr. Shrader has been an active supporter of employee forums and acted as both a frequent participant and also speaker at Booz Allen's diversity events. As prior Chairman of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) International, he also led efforts to improve opportunities for women and minorities in both the communications and electronics fields. This resulted in a scholarship program in his name to assist women and minority students pursuing graduate degrees in these fields of study.

To read Dr. Shrader's article, visit Profiles in Diversity Journal.

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