15.06.2015 10:35:00 CET

International confirmation of efficiency and safety of Bosnalijek product

At Bosnalijek's satellite symposium, the president of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia, professor doctor Leonid Lazebnik, gave a presentation on the topic 'The role of Enterofuryl in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori'. Through his lecture the respectable Russian professor Lazebnik informed the present experts in detail about his experience in treating Helicobacter pylori with Enterofuryl.

"In Russia we have positive experience with Enterofuryl and its effect has been confirmed. Therefore, our national recommendation for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori is Enterofuryl which we use throughout our country ", said among other things the reputable Prof. Dr. Lazebnik.

During his meeting with the media professor Lazebnik expressed his pleasure working with the largest Bosnian pharmaceutical company Bosnalijek and added, "I talked with Bosnalijek's CEO about the possibilities of organizing an international meeting of medical experts regarding Enterofuryl, considering that Helicobacter pylori did not show resistance to this drug."

Bosnalijek's satellite symposium on the topic 'The role of Enterofuryl in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori' was held within the 5th Congress of BiH Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists in Mostar on June 13, 2015.

With the aim of offering continuous support to significant professional meetings, Bosnalijek was a silver sponsor of the Fifth Congress of BiH gastroenterologists and hepatologists with international participation which was held in Mostar from 11 - 14 June 2015.

Prof. Dr. Lazebnik is a reputable Russian professor from the Moscow Stare University of Medicine and Prevention, doctor of medical sciences, head of the Department for Therapy, Prevention and Geriatrics and president of the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia.

The Congress featured themes from all areas of gastroenterology and hepatolgy, as well as the pertaining sections of radiology and endoscopy, with a special reference to world novelties.

Apart from experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Congress also gathered top experts from the region and the whole world, which made it an excellent opportunity for exchanging experiences and ideas and setting up of cooperation both in the practical and the scientific sense.

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