C-Bond Systems, Inc. announced that its Patriot Glass Solutions division was awarded a $137,000 security window film project by the San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD). San Antonio-based Patriot Glass Solutions offers two security film products: C-Bond Secure, which includes a patented, liquid, glass strengthening primer and window film mounting solution used in conjunction with security film to deter forced entry; and C-Bond BRS, a ballistic-resistant film system that includes C-Bond's glass strengthening technology and multiple layers of security film to help stop bullets from penetrating glass. This award from SAISD comes on the heels of the Texas Education Agency's (“TEA”) proposed requirements to install security window film at all Texas schools.

The TEA's proposed requirements state, “Windowed doors on the ground level or windows that are adjacent to or near a door and are large enough to allow someone to enter if broken must be reinforced with entry-resistant film unless within a secured area. The company's patented technology and third-party certifications for its C-Bond BRS (ballistic-resistant film system) meet National Institute of Justice Level I, Level IIA, Level II, and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 752 ballistic-resistant protection standards.