Cancom SE announced that Klaus Weinmann, who as company founder and long-standing CEO has led the CANCOM Group for more than 25 years, has decided to resign from his position in the Management Board as of 30 September 2018. Therefore he has asked the Supervisory Board to terminate his contract prematurely. At the same time, Mr. Weinmann proposed Thomas Volk, President & General Manager of CANCOM SE, as his successor to the Supervisory Board.

Since Mr. Weinmann wishes to continue to support the CANCOM Group, Mr. Weinmann also informed the Supervisory Board that he is seeking a seat on the Supervisory Board as soon as possible. The Supervisory Board of the company approved the premature termination of Mr. Weinmann's contract. In addition, the Supervisory Board decided to appoint Thomas Volk as successor to the position of CEO of the company for a term of five years.

Thomas Volk has been President & General Manager and a member of the Management Board of CANCOM SE since 1 November 2017. Mr. Volk is already responsible for the Group's go-to-market strategy and essentially for marketing, sales, consulting and international business. Thomas Volk has many years of international experience and success as CEO and General Manager of various global players as well as medium-sized companies in the IT industry.

He also has extensive expertise in growth and transformation processes. In addition, he led and accompanied numerous M&A transactions and integrations, most recently the two acquisitions of the CANCOM Group in the United Kingdom. Mr. Volk will now also be responsible for the overall strategy of the CANCOM Group.