CardioComm Solutions, Inc. confirms a technology integration agreement with Utah-based CareXM LLC. Under the agreement CareXM has integrated ECG monitoring capabilities through their TouchPointCare telemedicine platform. CareXM has incorporated CardioComm's ECG viewer as an embedded technology in their TouchPointCare platform to enable patients and physician clients to view ECGs while recording and to replay ECGs prior to being uploaded for ECG reporting.

Uploaded recordings will be processed by CardioComm's SMART Monitoring ECG service and securely transmitted in near real-time to the CareXM TouchPointCare platform where ECG reporting and patient care needs will be managed. Under the current deployment, patients will utilize the HeartCheckTM CardiBeat to collect their ECGs under prescribed patient care protocols. CareXM and CardioComm are examining the addition of 12 lead, Holter and arrhythmia/event monitoring devices and expanding the capabilities of the TouchPoinCare platform to offer comprehensive outpatient and ambulatory ECG monitoring.

Sales and marketing of the ECG enabled TouchPointCare platform will be undertaken exclusively by CareXM. CardioComm will see revenue from the sales of the HeartCheckTM CardiBeat ECG devices as well as from ECG service and triaging fees.