CCX informs the receipt of USD5MM and the new date of 3rd quarter earnings release
Rio de Janeiro, November 13th, 2013 -CCX Carvão da Colômbia S.A. ("CCX" or "Company") (BM&FBovespa: CCXC3) hereby announces to its shareholders and the market in general that received today the upfront and non-refundable deposit of US$ 5 million as an exclusivity fee and partial payment of the Transaction, with the purpose to continue the negotiation of the Transaction and the Potential Transaction, as informed in the Material Fact released on October 29th, 2013.
The Company also informs that the disclosure of its 3rd Quarter Earnings Release, previously issued for November 13th, 2013, was transferred, with expectation for filing in CVM - Securities Commission, until November 25th,
2013, in order to the need of a greater term for the adjustment of related information by the Independent Auditor.




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