Australia is home to a large number of species of snakes, and it can be extremely difficult to differentiate between snake species due to their similarity in physical appearance. 
For this reason all snake bites must be considered serious; if you receive a snake bite you should seek immediate medical treatment. 
Snakes only bite something other than food in an act of self defence; not surprisingly a large majority of snake bites are caused either by people accidentally stepping on or attempting to catch or kill a snake.
The most effective method to minimise the risk of snake bite is to avoid encounters and discourage snakes from entering areas within your control.
Five Tips to Prevent Snake Bites and Discourage Them in Your Area
  1. Learn which Snakes are native to your area and familiarise yourself with their habits. 
  2. Ensure that lawns and gardens are maintained to allow for good visibility and discourage snakes. 
  3. Avoid areas where there is tall grass, shrubs or brush.
  4. Exercise caution around ponds and water sources during summer months.
  5. Limit the times you feed pets and refrain from leaving food that may attract snakes around for prolonged periods.
What to do if You Encounter a Snake Near Your Property or Workplace
  • Do not approach the snake - remember that most snake bites occur when people try to catch or kill a snake.
  • Keep pets away from the area - pets may be curious or aggressive towards the snake but keep them away to avoid an emergency trip to the vet.
  • Watch from a safe vantage point - monitor the movements and location of the snake from a safe location (ideally behind closed doors or from an elevated space) 
  • Contact a qualified person to remove the snake - they are trained to safely remove and relocate potentially dangerous snakes.

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