Business description: ChemoMetec A/S

Chemometec A/S is a Denmark-based company engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of analytical instruments used for quantitative analysis of cells in liquids. The Company’s activities are divided into three business areas: Instruments, which offers a range of NucleoCounter analytical instruments for counting mammalian, animal, yeast and sperm cells, as well as somatic cells in milk, among others; Consumables, which distributes disposable cassettes, solutions, reagents and slides; and Other, which is responsible for the partnership development in a number of research projects, among others. The Company’s analytical products are based on a technology, which combines fluorescence microscopy with digital imagery. Its customer portfolio comprises entities active primarily within pharmaceutical, food processing and agriculture industries. Furthermore, the Company is a parent of ChemoMetec USA Inc.

Number of employees: 184

Sales by Activity: ChemoMetec A/S

Fiscal Period: June20202021202220232024


86.68M 112M 147M 174M 192M


111M 137M 215M 179M 117M


9.25M 4.05M 5.32M 5.92M 4.28M


6.79M 28.4M 59.91M 83.02M 93.53M
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: ChemoMetec A/S

Fiscal Period: June20202021202220232024

United States / Canada

112M 142M 248M 262M 239M


66.4M 101M 128M 130M 131M


35.61M 38.99M 50.97M 50.09M 37.06M
See all geographic segments

Managers: ChemoMetec A/S

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 32 2024-03-12
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - 2023-12-19
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - 2010-11-30
Sales & Marketing - -
Sales & Marketing - 2018-04-30
See CHEMOMETEC A/S governance

Members of the board: ChemoMetec A/S

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 66 2013-09-30
Director/Board Member 63 2014-09-30
Director/Board Member 49 -
Director/Board Member - 2021-10-13
Chairman - 2021-10-13
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: ChemoMetec A/S

Invesco Advisers, Inc.
5.063 %
881,141 5.063 % 69 M kr
Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG (Investment Management)
3.657 %
636,367 3.657 % 50 M kr
630,650 3.624 % 49 M kr
SEB Investment Management AB (Denmark)
2.071 %
360,441 2.071 % 28 M kr
Teknik Innovation Norden Fonder AB
1.925 %
335,000 1.925 % 26 M kr
List of CHEMOMETEC A/S shareholders

Company details: ChemoMetec A/S

ChemoMetec A/S

Gydevang 43

3450, Allerod

+45 48 13 10 20
address ChemoMetec A/S(CHEMM)

Medical Equipment

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
+1.33%+5.83%+23.75%-17.83% 1.36B
-0.01%+0.01%+43.25%+119.97% 12.57B
+2.78%+2.36%-1.74%+18.69% 10.02B
-0.85%+0.68%+30.97%-23.44% 9.55B
+0.43%-0.93%+9.03%-43.01% 5.28B
-1.52%-2.18%-3.23%+17.50% 4.88B
-0.47%-4.83%+15.81%+179.43% 4.8B
+0.03%+0.04%+35.60%+5.51% 4.69B
-0.57%-0.02%-14.57%+38.00% 4.57B
-2.03%-10.39%+38.54%-72.97% 2.34B
Average -0.09%-0.75%+17.74%+22.18% 6.01B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.11%-0.25%+19.19%+36.55%
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