China Agri-Products Exchange Limited repurchased part of the Notes in an aggregate principal amount of HKD 30 million of the outstanding Notes via open market, representing 7.5%, and together with other Notes previously repurchased and cancelled, representing 52.5% of the aggregate principal amount of the Notes originally issued. The repurchase was funded by internal resources. The Repurchased Notes shall be cancelled as soon as practicable after repurchase.

After cancellation of the Repurchased Notes, the aggregate principal amount of the Notes remaining outstanding will be HKD 190 million, representing approximately 47.5% of the initial aggregate principal amount of the Notes. The board of directors of the Company (the "Board") considers that there will be no material financial impact on the financial position of the Company as a result of the aforesaid repurchase of the Repurchased Notes and believes that the repurchase of the Notes will reduce the Company's future financial expenses and lower its financial gearing level, and are therefore in the interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.