Microsoft Word - e-announcement 6-10-2014

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(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 133)


The Board of the Company announces that with effect from 6 October 2014, Ms. LI Fang was appointed as Independent Non-executive Director of the Company.
The Board of Directors (the "Board") of China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited (the "Company") announces that with effect from 6 October 2014, Ms. LI Fang was appointed as Independent Non-executive Director of the Company.
The biographical details of Ms. LI Fang are as follows:
Ms. LI Fang, aged 56, is currently the Managing Director of Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited and the Vice Chairman of CR Yuanta Fund Management Co., Ltd. Ms. LI has
19 years of professional experience in securities, asset management, insurance and banking. Ms. LI was a Senior Research Assistant in Financial Research Bureau at the headquarters of the People's Bank of China, a Research Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Operations of Aetna International Inc., the Head of Research Centre for Asian/Pacific Regional Pensions of ING Group, a Senior Business Advisor of Global Retirement Services of ING Group and the Chief Strategist at Corporate Finance of Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited. Ms. LI holds a doctorate degree in Economics from Monash University in Australia, a master degree in Banking and Finance from the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China (now known as PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University) and a master degree in Public Administration from the International Christian University in Japan. Save as disclosed above, Ms. LI did not hold any directorship in other listed public companies in the last three years and did not hold any position with the Company and other members of the Company's group.


The service contract between the Company and Ms. LI has a fixed term of three years. However, she will be subject to rotational retirement and re-election requirements at general meetings pursuant to the articles of association of the Company. There is no agreement on the amount of the remuneration payable to Ms. LI. However, Ms. LI will be entitled to receive the Directors' fee commencing from 6 October 2014 which will be determined by the Board with the authorization granted by the shareholders of the Company in annual general meeting. Pursuant to the authority given by the shareholders at the annual general meeting of the Company held on 16 May 2013, the Board has resolved that the Directors' fee for the year ended 31 December 2013 be determined at HK$200,000 for the Independent Non-executive Directors. Ms. LI will not receive other remuneration from the Company. Ms. LI is and was not connected with any Directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. As at the date hereof, Ms. LI does not have any interests in the shares or underlying shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
Save as disclosed above, the Board is not aware of any other matters relating to the aforesaid appointment that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company and any other information that should be disclosed pursuant to any of the requirements of rule 13.51(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
The Board would like to take this opportunity to welcome Ms. LI for joining the Board of the
By Order of the Board LEUNG Chong Shun Company Secretary
Hong Kong, 6 October 2014

As at the date hereof, the Executive Directors of the Company are Mr. LI Yinquan, Mr. HONG Xiaoyuan, Mr. CHU Lap Lik, Victor, Mr. WANG Xiaoding and Mr. TSE Yue Kit; the Non-executive Director is Mr. KE Shifeng; and the Independent Non-executive Directors are Mr. LIU Baojie, Mr. ZHU Li, Mr. TSANG Wah Kwong and Dr. LI Fang. In addition, Ms. KAN Ka Yee, Elizabeth is the Alternate Director to Mr. CHU Lap Lik, Victor.


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