China SCE Group Holdings Limited provides unaudited consolidated earnings guidance for the six months ended 30 June 2023. For the period, the company expects core profit attributable to owners of the parent (being the profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent excluding the post-tax net changes in fair value of investment properties of subsidiaries and joint ventures, net fair value loss of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and net gain or loss on disposal of subsidiaries and joint ventures) of approximately RMB 1.21 billion and the profit attributable to owners of the parent of approximately RMB 1.27 billion for the six months ended 30 June 2022, the Group is expected to record a core loss attributable to owners of the parent ranging from approximately RMB 100 million to approximately RMB200 million and a loss attributable to owners of the parent ranging from approximately RMB 1.0 billion to approximately RMB 1.2 billion for the six months ended 30 June 2023. The expected net loss was primarily attributable to the effects of the decline in demand in real estate market in the PRC: (1) the decline in properties delivery had led to decrease in revenue recognised from sales of properties; (2) declining property selling prices had resulted in lower gross profit margin; and (3) net fair value loss of investment properties.