China ZhengTong Auto Services Holdings Limited announced that Koh Tee Choong has been an executive director of the Company since March 2017. He is currently the chief executive officer of the Company. Mr. Koh is subject to retirement by rotation at the forthcoming annual general meeting to be held on 12 June 2020. He has notified the Company that due to the health issue, he will not seek for re-election at the 2020 AGM and will therefore retire from the Board after the conclusion of the 2020 AGM. Mr. Koh has confirmed to the Company that he has no disagreement with the Board and that he is not aware of any matter in relation to his retirement from the Board that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company. The executive director and vice chairman of the Company, Mr. Wang Kunpeng, will be appointed as the chief executive officer of the Company after the conclusion of 2020 AGM.