Chinasoft International Limited announced its recent strategic partnership with State Power Investment Corporation Comprehensive Smart Energy Technology Co. Ltd. Both parties will collaboratively endeavor to digitally empower the development of the smart energy industry, achieving horizontal integration across the comprehensive energy business scenarios of source, grid, load, and storage. Vertically, there will be a fusion of advanced technologies such as "cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, mobile Internet, AI and blockchain," aiming to construct a full spectrum of applications.

It both meets the requirements of high-quality economic and social development and is an important component and key carrier of achieving the "dual carbon" goals. The full-spectrum applications of energy management, carbon energy, energy efficiency, and energy empowerment will be the focus of this cooperation. The SPIC's "Energy Management" series of products serve the asset management of distributed energy on the generation and storage side, integrating the functions of conventional station's "DCS, SIS, and MIS" systems. They provide end-to-end services for construction, operation, maintenance, and management, continuously accumulating energy data on the generation and storage side.

The "Carbon Energy" series of products serve energy and carbon management on the demand side, enabling regional carbon data collection, dynamic monitoring, and peak prediction. This helps companies achieve smart energy use, digital carbon management, green operations, energy conservation, emissions reduction, and green value enhancement. The product offerings include a carbon footprint factor library, carbon footprint reports, carbon labeling, and supply chain management for carbon footprint management.

The "Energy Efficiency" series of products leverage data from the Energy Management and Carbon Management platforms to realize pooled energy management for the generation, storage, and demand sides. Operational scheduling supports flexible interaction between sources, grids, loads, and storage, as well as multi-energy complementarity for electricity, heating, and cooling. Virtual power plants use intelligent algorithms and load forecasting capabilities to aggregate resources and serve grid demand, improving energy efficiency and asset returns.

The Energy Empowerment series of products deeply integrate the Energy IOT and Consumer Internet. On the hand, they gather various energy services such as photovoltaic management, heating services, travel services, and electric vehicle charging services. On the other hand, they aggregate various community services and government services to create a new format for the integration of the three networks.

This largest domestic digital platform for distributed energy will connect 2 million devices and serve 3 million households by the end of the year. It will manage 40 million kW of distributed energy installations. This provides a tremendous opportunity for collaboration in areas such as AIoT distributed OpenHarmony "OpenHarmony-in-Energy," edge-cloud synergy, comprehensive domestic/intelligent transformation, AIGC electric power models, computational energy storage, energy industry chain investment, and ecosystem development between the two parties.

Looking forward, the company will fully play the role of "digital transformation service expert", rely on the full-stack digital wisdom capability, help the digitalization of the energy power industry around Energy IoT + Consumer Internet, and contribute to the realization of dual carbon goals, high-quality industrial development, and national energy security.