Church & Crawford, Inc. announced its revenue model based on consultation with major global business consultants. The EMPS+ revenue model is going to be based on a transactional one. System Integrators (SI's) will be giving their clients the software platform free of charge. This will reduce the sales cycle and de-risk and investment ROI analysis that a service provider will need to complete. The revenue model is based on the following areas: one off download; transactional model; and mobile advertisement revenue. One off downloads - Service providers, whilst acquiring the platform FOC will be charged $1.00 per download. 2011 statistics show that there were 487.7M shipments made of smartphones globally. Assuming that 75% of the users have on average five service providers (e.g. Utility provider, Finance, Telco, Travel) the market size for one off downloads is in the region of $1.8 billion. Transactional model - Based on the British Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) quoting the UK contact centre market spends $40 billion per year. Assuming the UK has an 8% global spend, Church & Crawford has estimated the global contact centre technology annual spend to be in excess of $500 billion per year. The Church & Crawford solution is estimated to take 5%-10% global market share by fourth quarter of 2015. That would equate to $25-50 billion per year in revenue. Mobile advertisement revenue - according to Thompsons research the mobile advertisement market will be worth in the region of $25 billion by 2015. The Church & Crawford solution is expected to be the market leader providing a platform which will be unparalleled in its ability to provide pin pointed market data. The Church & Crawford solution instantly reduces costs in all aspects of spend from infra-structure, software and agents, the three key overheads for all contact centre operation. It can reduce these costs by up to 40%, over a five year period. By leveraging on data networks and cleverly managing customers interactions the application dramatically reduces the load on contact centres and the requirement for voice enabled agents.