Cimetrix Inc. announced the availability of ECCE Plus. ECCE Plus is an enhanced Equipment Client Connection Emulator (ECCE) intended for equipment suppliers and fabs testing their EDA/Interface A connections for SEMI standards compliance. ECCE Plus provides improved capability compared to previous versions of ECCE, and supports development of either Freeze Version I (1105) or Freeze Version II (0710).

ECCE Plus also supports development of designs implementing both SEMI E157 (Module Process Tracking) and E164 (Common Metadata) standards. ECCE Plus represents a significant increase in functionality compared to previous ECCE versions developed in collaboration with SEMATECH. Among the advances are improved diagnostic capability and process module performance tracking, used by semiconductor fabs to increase productivity.

ECCE Plus is priced at $4000.00 for a single user. ECCE Plus is included with all Cimetrix Interface A SDKs and provided at no charge to Cimetrix customers with support contracts.