VicOne announced a partnership with Clientron on an in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) solution with integrated cybersecurity for electric-vehicle (EV) buses. VicOne's cybersecurity software is integrated with Clientron's electronic control unit (ECU) to prevent cyber-attacks by which an EV bus’s IVI system is penetrated to manipulate vital systems such as brakes, acceleration and navigation—or even passengers’ personally identifiable information (PII) via on-board internet connections. The integrated solution aligns with emerging automotive-industry compliance requirements, such as the ISO/SAE 21434.

VicOne’s integrated cybersecurity software detects constantly evolving cyber-attacks and initiates countermeasures to avert or isolate and limit harm. The VicOne solution monitors IVI app performance, including power consumption and storage usage, to detect any abnormality. The EV-bus operator is alerted if an app consumes unnecessary resources or drains the battery excessively, ensuring smooth operation of the IVI system and maintaining driver, passenger and vehicle safety without unexpected interruptions or distractions.