Coforge Limited announced that at its board meeting held on October 19, 2023, the Board approved the resignation of Mr. Kirtiram Hariharan and Mr. Kenneth Tuck Kuen Cheong as the Non-executive Directors of the Company, with effect from close of business hours on October 19, 2023, citing pre-occupation and other personal commitments. Pursuant to the resignation of Directors, the Board of the Company has reconstituted the Stakeholders Relationship Committee and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Company with effect from October 19, 2023. Stakeholders Relationship
Committee: Mr. Basab Pradhan (Chairperson) - Category - Non-Executive & Independent Director; Mr. Patrick Cordes (Member) - Category - non-Executive Director; Mr. Sudhir Singh (Member) - Category - Non-Executive & Independent Director; Ms. Mary Beth Boucher (Member) - Category - Non-Executive & Independent Director. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee: Mr. Ashwani Kumar Puri (Chairperson) - Category - Non-Executive & Independent Director; Mr. Hari Gopalakrishnan (Member) - Category - Non Executive Director; Mr. Sudhir Singh (Member) - Category - Executive Director.