Companhia Paranaense de Energia – COPEL announced that, at the 193th extraordinary shareholders' meeting, the creation of the Board of Governance, Risk and Compliance was approved. In addition, the board of directors, at its 146th extraordinary meeting held December 22, 2016, elected Fabio Malina Losso for the position of Chief Governance, Risk and Compliance Officer. Throughout his career, Losso was the liquidator president of Banco de Desenvolvimento do Paraná S.A. -BADEP (2011-2013), founder and Board member of the Fundo Especial de Segurança Pública do Estado do Paraná - FUNESP (2012-2013), General Secretary of the Conselho Estadual de Trânsito do Estado do Paraná (2012-2013) and visiting professor at master and PhD courses at the University of Chicago, as well as graduate courses at Universidade Positivo, UniCuritiba and the Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado.