RESTON, Va., Jan. 10, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released data from the comScore Video Metrix service showing that 188.2 million Americans watched 52.4 billion online content videos in December, while the number of video ad views totaled 35.2 billion.


Top 10 Video Content Properties by Unique Viewers
Google Sites, driven primarily by video viewing at, ranked as the top online video content property in December with 159.1 million unique viewers. Facebook ranked #2 with 79.1 million viewers, followed by AOL, Inc. with 76.2 million, Yahoo sites with 53.5 million and NDN with 49.4 million. Nearly 52.4 billion video content views occurred during the month, with Google Sites generating the highest number at 13.4 billion, followed by Facebook with 3.7 billion and AOL, Inc. with 1.4 billion. Google Sites had the highest average engagement among the top ten properties.

    Top U.S. Online Video Content Properties Ranked by Unique Video Viewers

    December 2013

    Total U.S. - Home and Work Locations

    Content Videos Only (Ad Videos Not Included)

    Source: comScore Video Metrix

    Property                                                       Total Unique Viewers (000)                           Videos (000)*              Minutes per
    --------                                                                                  -------------------------               ------------ -----------

    Total Internet : Total Audience                                                                             188,249                 52,374,583          1,164.5
    -------------------------------                                                                             -------                 ----------          -------

    Google Sites                                                                                                159,090                 13,384,434            356.7
    ------------                                                                                                -------                 ----------            -----

    Facebook**                                                                                                   79,105                  3,749,940             50.1
    ---------                                                                                                    ------                  ---------             ----

    AOL, Inc.                                                                                                    76,178                  1,414,138             60.4
    ---------                                                                                                    ------                  ---------             ----

    Yahoo Sites                                                                                                  53,499                    392,542             47.8
    -----------                                                                                                  ------                    -------             ----

    NDN                                                                                                          49,388                    530,275             71.2
    ---                                                                                                          ------                    -------             ----

    Amazon Sites                                                                                                 44,626                    215,795             17.1
    ------------                                                                                                 ------                    -------             ----

    VEVO                                                                                                         39,424                    632,788             51.0
    ----                                                                                                         ------                    -------             ----

    Microsoft Sites                                                                                              36,662                    609,765             36.9
    ---------------                                                                                              ------                    -------             ----

    Vimeo                                                                                                        32,932                    142,426             32.3
    -----                                                                                                        ------                    -------             ----

    Turner Digital                                                                                               29,008                    221,105             39.0
    --------------                                                                                               ------                    -------             ----

*A video is defined as any streamed segment of audiovisual content, including both progressive downloads and live streams. For long-form, segmented content, (e.g. television episodes with ad pods in the middle) each segment of the content is counted as a distinct video stream. Video views are inclusive of both user-initiated and auto-played videos that are viewed for longer than 3 seconds.

**Facebook's December 2013 online video viewership, particularly the number of video views, is substantially higher than prior months due to both organic and inorganic factors. The largest (and inorganic) source of increase is the recent inclusion, following a technical validation effort, of a significant volume of short (typically 6-second) Vine videos that have been uploaded to Facebook. The other, and currently less significant, factor is the limited roll-out in December of auto-play videos in the Facebook News Feed.

Top 10 Video Ad Properties by Video Ads Viewed
Americans viewed nearly 35.2 billion video ads in December, with AOL, Inc. maintaining the #1 position with 4.3 billion ad impressions. came in second with 3.6 billion ads, followed by Google Sites also with 3.6 billion, SpotXchange Video Ad Marketplace with 2.9 billion and TubeMogul Video Ad Platform with 2.5 billion. Time spent watching video ads totaled 13.2 billion minutes, with AOL, Inc. delivering the highest duration of video ads at nearly 1.9 billion minutes. Video ads reached 55.6 percent of the total U.S. population an average of 204 times during the month. Hulu delivered the highest frequency of video ads to its viewers with an average of 82.

    Top U.S. Online Video Ad Properties Ranked by Video Ads* Viewed

    December 2013

    Total U.S. - Home and Work Locations

    Ad Videos Only (Content Videos Not Included)

    Source: comScore Video Metrix

    Property                                                        Video Ads (000)           Total Ad Minutes (MM)                Frequency (Ads per   % Reach Total U.S.
                                                                                                                                         Viewer)            Population
    --------                                                                   --------------                 --------------------   ------------------   ------------------

    Total Internet : Total Audience                                                35,235,361                               13,235                204.1                 55.6
    -------------------------------                                                ----------                               ------                -----                 ----

    AOL, Inc. (including                                                   4,326,305                                1,850                 26.9                 51.9
    ----------------------------                                                    ---------                                -----                 ----                 ----**                                                                   3,566,607                                1,506                 23.4                 49.2
    ------------                                                                    ---------                                -----                 ----                 ----

    Google Sites                                                                    3,564,204                                  353                 32.3                 35.6
    ------------                                                                    ---------                                  ---                 ----                 ----

    SpotXchange Video Ad Marketplace**                                               2,895,520                                  975                 24.5                 38.0
    --------------------------------                                                ---------                                  ---                 ----                 ----

    TubeMogul Video Ad Platform**                                                    2,467,934                                  802                 21.3                 37.3
    ---------------------------                                                     ---------                                  ---                 ----                 ----

    BrightRoll Platform****                                                          2,451,140                                1,148                 14.8                 53.3
    ---------------------                                                           ---------                                -----                 ----                 ----

    Specific Media**                                                                2,185,660                                  859                 13.8                 51.2
    ---------------                                                                 ---------                                  ---                 ----                 ----

    Hulu                                                                            1,388,482                                  551                 82.3                  5.4
    ----                                                                            ---------                                  ---                 ----                  ---

    Tremor Video**                                                                  1,209,948                                  537                 11.7                 33.3
    -------------                                                                   ---------                                  ---                 ----                 ----

    Videology**                                                                        991,078                                  445                 10.5                 30.4
    ---------                                                                         -------                                  ---                 ----                 ----

*Video ads include streaming-video advertising only and do not include other types of video monetization, such as overlays, branded players, matching banner ads, etc.

**Indicates video ad network

**Indicates video ad exchange/DSP/SSP

Top 10 YouTube Partner Channels by Unique Viewers
The December 2013 YouTube partner data revealed that video music channel VEVO maintained the top position in the ranking with 38.5 million viewers. Fullscreen held onto the #2 spot with 27.3 million unique viewers, followed by ZEFR with 26.6 million, Maker Studios Inc. with 24.7 million, and Warner Music with 22.7 million. Among the top 10 YouTube partners, Maker Studios Inc. demonstrated the highest engagement (72 minutes per viewer), followed by VEVO (51 minutes per viewer). VEVO streamed the greatest number of videos (622 million), followed by Maker Studios Inc. (523 million).

    Top YouTube Partner Channels Ranked by Unique Video Viewers

    December 2013

    Total U.S. - Home and Work Locations

    Content Videos Only (Ad Videos Not Included)

    Source: comScore Video Metrix

    Property                                                    Total Unique Viewers (000)                           Videos (000)             Minutes per
    --------                                                                               -------------------------              ----------- -----------

    VEVO @ YouTube                                                                                            38,460                  622,057             51.1
    --------------                                                                                            ------                  -------             ----

    Fullscreen @ YouTube                                                                                      27,346                  358,267             40.9
    --------------------                                                                                      ------                  -------             ----

    ZEFR @ YouTube                                                                                            26,598                  143,042             14.9
    --------------                                                                                            ------                  -------             ----

    Maker Studios Inc. @ YouTube                                                                              24,726                  522,869             72.2
    ----------------------------                                                                              ------                  -------             ----

    Warner Music @ YouTube                                                                                    22,672                  151,209             19.1
    ----------------------                                                                                    ------                  -------             ----

    warnerbros vfp @ YouTube                                                                                  20,032                   61,301              5.3
    ------------------------                                                                                  ------                   ------              ---

    The Orchard @ YouTube                                                                                     18,987                   78,701             11.8
    ---------------------                                                                                     ------                   ------             ----

    google @ YouTube                                                                                          17,965                   47,075              4.6
    ----------------                                                                                          ------                   ------              ---

    rumblefish @ YouTube                                                                                      17,396                   45,932              7.4
    --------------------                                                                                      ------                   ------              ---

    UMG @ YouTube                                                                                             16,295                   66,580             11.0
    -------------                                                                                             ------                   ------             ----

Other notable findings from December 2013 include:

    --  86.9 percent of the U.S. Internet audience viewed online video.
    --  The duration of the average online content video was 4.2 minutes, while
        the average online video ad was 0.4 minutes.
    --  Video ads accounted for 40.2 percent of all videos viewed and 5.7
        percent of all minutes spent viewing video online.

About comScore
comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in digital measurement and analytics, delivering insights on web, mobile and TV consumer behavior that enable clients to maximize the value of their digital investments. For more information, please visit

SOURCE comScore, Inc.