The board of directors of Cosmo Lady (China) Holdings Company Limited announced that Mr. Xian Shunxiang ("Mr. Xian") and Mr. Zhu Hongbo ("Mr. Zhu") have been appointed as executive directors of the Company with effect from 26 August 2023. Mr. Xian, aged 58, joined the Group in December 2021. He is the chief operating officer of the Group, and is mainly responsible for sales operation in various channels.

Mr. Xian was a vice president responsible for retail operations of the Group from 2011 to 2016. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Xian was the operation director of Best Food Holding Company Limited, the issued shares of which are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. He was also previously the operation director of McDonald (Shenzhen) Limited and Real Kung Fu Catering Management Co.

Ltd. Mr. Xian graduated from China Europe International Business School, upon completing the China Europe Leadership Development of Senior Level Programme in 2010. He obtained a college degree in Chinese from Shenzhen Institute of Education, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province in 1988. Mr. Zhu, aged 61, joined the Group in December 2019.

He is the vice president of the Group and is mainly responsible for human resources, legal and risk management of the Group. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Zhu served as the chief executive officer of a food company and was responsible for the execution of the company's business strategies and coordination of overall business operations. He previously held senior management positions in a number of listed companies and has extensive experience in corporate development planning, investment business, marketing and corporate management.

Mr. Zhu graduated from Tianjin Normal University in 1984. With effect from 26 August 2023, the composition of the following board committees has changed as follows: Mr. Zheng Yaonan ceased to be the chairman but remains as a member of Nomination Committee and Dr. Lu Hong Te was appointed as the chairman in place of Mr. Zheng. Mr. Zhang Shengfeng ceased to be a member of Remuneration Committee and Mr. Zhu was appointed as a member in place of Mr. Zhang.