Creative Realities, Inc. announced its partnership with Freshëns, to transform customer experiences with advanced digital signage technology in Freshens' 350 locations. The new menu board experience features a streamlined process for real-time menu board updates. With an emphasis on speed and convenience, the updated menu board integration is designed to optimize order times and facilitate easy product selection.

Freshens initially sought Creative Realities to support their goal of enhancing dining experiences at their locations, which are found at universities and airports across the U.S. With Creative Realities' data-driven design and software that offers customized digital signage solutions, Freshens has revolutionized digital menu boards across all its locations, making the technology a core element of its brand image and its guest-facing experience in store. Most recently, Freshens utilized Creative Realities' digital expertise to enhance customer experiences at their newest FLIP Kitchen location on the campus of George Mason University. FLIP Kitchen offers a dynamic menu that quickly transforms into multiple "pop-up" food platforms every three weeks.

The new location leveraged an 84" video marquee as a foundational part of the store design, displaying an eye-catching image and looping video that promotes the rotating flips to quickly capture students' attention. Paired with the Clarity software platform, changes can be made quickly with ease, putting functionality in the hands of the operator. The platform further provides real-time updates to products and pricing via a user-friendly web-based app that can be accessed on mobile and tablet devices.

Its partnership with Creative Realities has only reinforced its commitment to delivering an exceptional customer experience.