Cross River Ventures Corp. to report that the Drill Camp construction is underway at the 12,000-ha (120 Km2) McVicar Gold Project, located in the Patricia Mining Division, approximately 150 km east of Red Lake, and 80 km west of Pickle Lake, in the Superior Province, northwest Ontario, Canada. The Camp is located at kilometre 120 along the Cat Lake Winter Road and will support a planned 5,000-meter diamond drill program scheduled to start in mid February 2022.

Cross River has also received positive results from an initial Geoprobe sampling program designed to expand known gold mineralization (and pathfinder element anomalies) under cover along the Bear Head Trend target area. The Company utilized a Geoprobe to sample areas with thick overburden at McVicar in September-October 2021. The Geoprobe is a small, track-mounted percussive-hammer driven sediment and top-of-bedrock sampling tool capable of collecting samples up to 20 meters deep.

The tool does not generate cuttings, leaves almost no disturbance, and in favorable terrain can collect up to 40 samples per day. Team members have previously successfully utilized Geoprobe technology in the Yukon. A total of 119 samples were collected from the Bear Head Trend using the Geoprobe in September and October of 2021.

Most samples did not reach bedrock due to thick sandy horizons and thicker than expected glacial deposits. Despite challenging ground conditions, Gold, and Antimony contain single and multi-station anomalies adjacent to known mineralization, increasing confidence in these target areas. Gold values in the Geoprobe sampling ranged from below detection to 0.039 ppm (mean 0.0014 ppm), and antimony values ranged from below detection to 0.73 ppm (mean 0.0435 ppm).