Announcement Title General Announcement
Announcement Subtitle CWT named 2014 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Regional Logistics Service Provider of the Year
Securities CWT LIMITED (CWT)
Date & Time of Broadcast Oct 17, 2014 17:05
Submitted By Lye Siew Hong - Lynda Goh
Company Secretary
Description SINGAPORE, October 17, 2014 CWT Limited today announced that it has been selected by leading independent market research firm Frost & Sullivan as the award recipient for its 2014 Asia Pacific Regional Logistics Service Provider of the Year, one of the award categories under Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Best Practices Awards. Prior to this, CWT had been named Singapore Domestic Logistics Service Provider of the Year by Frost & Sullivan for 2013 and 2011.

"Our business is about connecting world trade," said CWT Group CEO Loi Pok Yen. "The award recognises our hard work in the region and underpins our ability to leverage our logistics capabilities, network and scale to add value for customers."

CWT was selected based on the strength of its financial performance, geographical market reach, breadth of service offerings and pipeline strategy. It also best fits the award representation as a domestic grown business with excellent growth within Asia Pacific and the ability to address the diverse business needs in the evolving logistics industry.

"CWT Limited has made a significant mark in the Asia Pacific region for their exceptional performance in the past year by recording a best-in-class revenue performance in this category," commented Zainal Izham, Frost & Sullivan s research analyst for Transport & Logistics Practice, Asia Pacific. "Their global achievement from recent business growth has catapulted CWT to greater success in a competitive market. Their geographical expansion signifies their intention to develop the business with greater outreach to regional markets. It is undeniable that CWT has held a resilient business model and prepared the company to thrive in the industry."

More details on the 2014 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Best Practices Awards can be found on
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