CytoDyn Inc. announced positive results from the 350 mg weekly dose of its Phase 2 NASH clinical trial. The trial was conducted in two parts. Part 1 compared a 700 mg weekly dose and placebo in a double-blind randomized manner and Part 2 evaluated a 350 mg weekly dose as an open label study compared to the same placebo blinded arm.

Results of the topline report will be announced when available. The primary endpoint, PDFF (proton density fat fraction), is an MRI-derived biomarker for fatty deposition, while the secondary endpoint, cT1, is an iron-corrected T1 mapping representative of liver inflammation and fibrosis. These two values are used to evaluate the risk of NASH.

CytoDyn's Phase 2 clinical trial compared the changes from baselines in these endpoints. The leronlimab 350 mg dose versus placebo comparison for the primary endpoint PDFF was statistically significant. Leronlimab compared to placebo also reached near significance for the secondary endpoint cT1.

There were no significant differences in treatment emergent adverse events between leronlimab and placebo groups.