If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker or other registered dealer in securities, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional advisers.

If you have sold or transferred all your shares in Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd., you should at once hand this circular together with the accompanying proxy form and reply slip to the purchaser(s) or the transferee(s) or to the bank, stockbroker or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser(s) or the transferee(s).

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.

Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd.*

大 唐 環 境 產 業 集 團 股 份 有 限 公 司

(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1272)




A letter from the Board is set out on pages 1 to 27 of this circular.

A notice convening the 2020 AGM of the Company to be held at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, 4 June 2021 at No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC, is set out on pages 28 to 30 of this circular.

If you intend to appoint a proxy to attend the 2020 AGM, you are required to complete and return the accompanying form of proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon. For holders of H Shares, the form of proxy should be returned to the H Share Registrar and for holders of Domestic Shares, the form of proxy should be returned to the Company's board office in the PRC in person or by post not less than 24 hours before the time fixed for holding the 2020 AGM or any adjourned meeting thereof. Completion and return of the form of proxy will not preclude you from attending and voting in person at the 2020 AGM or at any other adjourned meeting should you so wish.

If you intend to attend the 2020 AGM in person or by proxy, you are required to complete and return the reply slip (for holders of H Shares) to the H Share Registrar or (for holders of Domestic Shares) to the Company's board office in the PRC on or before Saturday, 15 May 2021.

19 April 2021

  • For identification purpose only



DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


LETTER FROM THE BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


NOTICE OF 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


- i -


Unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings in this circular:

"2020 AGM"

the 2020 annual general meeting of the Company to be held at 3:30

p.m. on Friday, 4 June 2021 at No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian

District, Beijing, the PRC

"Articles of Association"

the articles of association of the Company (as amended, altered or

otherwise supplemented from time to time)


the board of Directors of the Company

"China" or "PRC"

the People's Republic of China excluding, for the purpose of this

circular, Hong Kong, Macau Special Administrative Region and



Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd.* (大唐環境產業集團

股份有限公司), a joint stock company incorporated in the PRC with

limited liability, the H Shares of which are listed on the Main Board

of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 1272)


director(s) of the Company

"Domestic Share(s)"

the ordinary shares in the share capital of the Company with a

nominal value of RMB1.00 each, which are subscribed for and paid

up in RMB and have not been listed on any stock exchanges

"H Share(s)"

the overseas listed foreign shares of the Company with a nominal

value of RMB1.00 each, which are listed on the Main Board of the

Stock Exchange

"H Share Registrar"

Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, the H Share

registrar of the Company

"Hong Kong" or "HK"

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC


International Financial Reporting Standards

"Listing Rules"

the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange

- ii -



the People's Bank of China (中國人民銀行)


Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC


the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of

Hong Kong) (as amended or supplemented from time to time)


Domestic Share(s) and/or H Share(s)


shareholder(s) of the Company

"Stock Exchange"

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited


supervisor(s) of the Company

"Supervisory Committee"

the supervisory committee of the Company


per cent

- iii -


Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd.*

大 唐 環 境 產 業 集 團 股 份 有 限 公 司

(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1272)

Non-executive Directors:

Registered Office and Head Office in the PRC:

Mr. Qu Bo

No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road,

Mr. Liu Quancheng

Haidian District,

Mr. Liu Ruixiang


Mr. Li Zhenyu

the PRC

Executive Directors:

Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong:

Mr. Wang Yanwen

31/F, Tower Two, Times Square,

Mr. Tian Dan

1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay,

Hong Kong

Independent Non-executive Directors:

Mr. Ye Xiang

Mr. Mao Zhuanjian

Mr. Gao Jiaxiang

19 April 2021

To the Shareholders

Dear Sir or Madam,



  • For identification purpose only

- 1 -



The purpose of this circular is to provide you with further information regarding the following resolutions to be proposed at the 2020 AGM to enable you to make informed decisions on whether to vote for or against or abstain from voting on such resolutions at the 2020 AGM. Such resolutions and relevant details are set out in this Letter from the Board.

  1. MATTERS TO BE RESOLVED AT THE 2020 AGM Ordinary Resolutions

1. Report of the Board for 2020

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the Report of the Board for 2020. The resolution was considered and approved by the Board at the twenty-second meeting of the second session of the Board. The full text of this report is included in the 2020 annual report of the Company published at the Company's website and the HKExnews website of the Stock Exchange on 19 April 2021.

2. Report of the Supervisory Committee for 2020

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the Report of the Supervisory Committee for 2020. The resolution was considered and approved by the Supervisory Committee at the seventh meeting of the second session of the Supervisory Committee. The full text of this report is included in the 2020 annual report of the Company published at the Company's website and the HKExnews website of the Stock Exchange on 19 April 2021.

3. Final Financial Accounts for 2020

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the final financial accounts for 2020 which were audited in accordance with the IFRSs.

The resolution was considered and approved by the Board at the twenty-second meeting of the second session of the Board. According to the IFRSs, the revenue for 2020 in the Company's consolidated financial statements amounted to RMB6,821.071 million; cost of sales amounted to RMB5,652.769 million; administrative expenses amounted to RMB483.796 million; financial expense amounted to RMB270.291 million; profit before tax amounted to RMB322.658 million; and total comprehensive income amounted to RMB211.320 million (comprehensive income attributable to equity owners amounted to RMB303.319 million).

- 2 -


4. Financial Budget Report for 2021

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the financial budget report for 2021. The resolution was considered and approved by the Board at the twenty- second meeting of the second session of the Board. The financial budget report was prepared with reference to the Company's development goals for 2021 and the principle of the maximisation of values.

5. The Independent Auditor's Report and the Audited Financial Statements for 2020

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the independent auditor's report for 2020 and the audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2020. The resolution was considered and approved by the Board at the twenty-second meeting of the second session of the Board. The full texts of this independent auditor's report and the audited financial statements are included in the 2020 annual report of the Company published at the Company's website and the HKExnews website of the Stock Exchange on 19 April 2021.

6. Profit Distribution Plan for 2020 and Proposed 2020 Final Dividend

  1. Proposed distribution of the Proposed 2020 Final Dividend

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the profit distribution plan for 2020. The resolution was considered and approved by the Board at the twenty-second meeting of the second session of the Board.

The Board has proposed to distribute final dividends of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2020 (the "Proposed 2020 Final Dividend") at RMB0.0446 (tax exclusive) per Share in cash to Shareholders. The Proposed 2020 Final Dividend shall be denominated and declared in RMB. The Proposed 2020 Final Dividend shall be paid by the Company to the holders of Domestic Shares in RMB and shall be denominated in RMB but paid to the holders of H Shares in Hong Kong dollar. The exchange rate of RMB into Hong Kong dollar shall be the average exchange rates as announced by the PBOC for five working days prior to the date of 2020 AGM. The Proposed 2020 Final Dividend is subject to the approval of Shareholders at the 2020 AGM on 4 June 2021.

If the proposed profit distribution plan is approved by the Shareholders at the 2020 AGM, the Proposed 2020 Final Dividend is expected to be distributed on or before Tuesday, 10 August 2021 to the Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Company on Friday, 2 July 2021 (the "Record Date").

- 3 -


Meanwhile, a resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to grant authority to the Board to execute the above distribution plan.

  1. Closure of register of members of H Shares for the proposed distribution of the Proposed 2020 Final Dividend

The Proposed 2020 Final Dividend is expected to be distributed on or before Tuesday, 10 August 2021 to the Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Company on Friday, 2 July 2021. In order to ascertain the entitlements of the Shareholders to receive the Proposed 2020 Final Dividend, the register of members of the Company will be closed from Friday, 25 June 2021 to Friday, 2 July 2021 (both days inclusive), during which period no transfer of Shares will be effected. To be eligible to receive the Proposed 2020 Final Dividend, all transfer documents must be lodged with the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong (for holders of H Shares), or the Company's board office in the PRC at No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC, 100097 (for holders of Domestic Shares), no later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, 24 June 2021.

  1. Tax

According to the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the PRC ( 中華人民共和國企 業所得稅法》) and its implementation regulations (the "EIT Law"), the tax rate of the enterprise income tax applicable to the income of a non-resident enterprise deriving from the PRC is 10%. For this purpose, any H Shares registered in the name of non-individual enterprises, including HKSCC Nominees Limited, other agents or trustees, or other organisations or groups, shall be deemed as shares held by non-resident enterprise Shareholders (as defined under the EIT Law). When the Company distributes dividends to non-resident enterprise Shareholders, it is liable to withhold enterprise income tax on their behalf at an interest rate of 10%. If H Shareholders need to change their Shareholder's status, they shall consult with the agents or trustees on the procedures. In strict compliance with laws and requirements of relevant government authorities, the Company will withhold the enterprise income tax according to the register of members of the H Shares of the Company as at the Record Date.

- 4 -


Any resident enterprise (as defined under the EIT Law) which has been legally incorporated in the PRC or which was established pursuant to the laws of foreign countries (regions) but has established effective administrative entities in the PRC, and whose name appears on the register of members of H Share(s) should deliver a legal opinion ascertaining its status as a resident enterprise furnished by a qualified PRC lawyer (with the official chop of the law firm issuing the opinion affixed thereon) and relevant documents to the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, if they do not wish to have the 10% enterprise income tax withheld and paid on their behalf by the Company.

Pursuant to the Notice on the Issues on Levy and Administration of Individual Income Tax after the Abolishment of Guo Shui Fa [1993] No. 045 Document ( 關 於國稅發(1993)045號文件廢止後有關個人所得稅徵管問題的通知》) issued by the State Administration of Tax on 28 June 2011, the dividend to be distributed by the PRC non-foreign invested enterprises which have issued shares in Hong Kong to the overseas resident individual shareholders, is subject to the individual income tax with a tax rate of 10% in general.

If the individual H Shareholders are residents of Hong Kong or Macau or those countries which have entered into a tax treaty with the PRC stipulating a dividend tax rate of 10%, the Company will finally withhold and pay individual income tax at the rate of 10% on behalf of these Shareholders. If the individual H Shareholders are residents of those countries which have entered into a tax treaty with the PRC stipulating a dividend tax rate of less than 10%, the Company will make applications on their behalf to seek entitlement of the relevant agreed preferential treatments pursuant to the relevant tax treaty. Under the above circumstances, if the relevant individual H Shareholders want a refund of the extra amount withheld (the "Extra Amount") due to the application of 10% tax rate, the Company can apply for the relevant agreed preferential tax treatment provided that the relevant Shareholders submit the evidence required by the notice of the tax treaty to the H Share Registrar. The Company will assist with the tax refund after receiving approval of the competent tax authority. Should the individual H Shareholders be residents of the countries which have an agreed tax rate of over 10% but less than 20% with the PRC under the tax treaty, the Company will withhold and pay the individual income tax at the agreed actual rate in accordance with the relevant tax treaty. In the case that the individual H Shareholders are residents of the countries which have an agreed tax rate of 20% with the PRC, or which have not entered into any tax treaty with the PRC, or otherwise, the Company will withhold and pay the individual income tax at a rate of 20%.

- 5 -


The Company will strictly comply with the laws and requirements of the relevant government authorities and withhold and pay enterprise and individual income tax on behalf of the Shareholders based on the register of members of the H Shares on the Record Date. The Company assumes no liability whatsoever in respect of and will not entertain any claims arising from any delay in, or inaccurate determination of, the status of the Shareholders or any disputes over the mechanism of withholding of enterprise income tax. The Company assumes no liability whatsoever in respect of any claims arising from any delay in, or inaccurate determination of the status of the Shareholders or any disputes over the mechanism of withholding.

7. Remuneration Report for Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company for 2020

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the remuneration report for Directors, Supervisors and senior management of the Company for 2020. The Board considered that the current remuneration policy for Directors, Supervisors and senior management of the Company is reasonable and proposed to continue to implement the current remuneration policy.

The above remuneration report has been considered by the remuneration and evaluation committee under the Board (the "Remuneration Committee") and passed at the twenty- second meeting of the second session of the Board. When the Remuneration Committee and the Board took a vote on the above remuneration report after consideration, the relevant Directors abstained from voting on matters which conflicted with their interests.

8. Investment Plan for 2021

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the investment plan for 2021. It is estimated that the total investment plan of the Company for 2021 will amount to RMB206.48 million.

9. Re-appointment of International and Domestic Auditors for 2021

An ordinary resolution will be proposed at the 2020 AGM to approve the re-appointment of Ernst & Young and Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP as international and domestic auditors of the Company for 2021, respectively, with a term of engagement ended upon the conclusion of the 2021 annual general meeting of the Company, and the grant of authority to the Board, which further grants such authority to the senior management of the Company, to determine their remunerations based on the actual auditing works performed by the auditors.

- 6 -


Special Resolution

10. Proposed amendments to the Articles of Association

In accordance with the requirements of documents including Reply of the State Council on Adjusting the Notice Period for the General Meeting of Shareholders and Other Matters Applicable to Companies Listed Abroad (Guo Han [2019] No. 97)( 國務院關於調整適用在 境外上市公司召開股東大會通知期限等事項規定的批覆》(國函[2019]97)), and the All- China Federation of Trade Union's Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Employee Directors System and Employee Supervisors System of Incorporated Enterprises (Zong Gong Fa [2016] No. 33)( 中華全國總工會關於加強公司制企業職工董事制度、職工監事制度建 設的意見》(總工發[2016]33)) formulated by the All-ChinaFederation of Trade Union, the Company proposes to make amendments to the Articles of Association. Details are set out as follows:


Original Article

Amended Article


Article 8 The Articles of Association

Article 8 The Articles of Association

are binding on the Company and its

are binding on the Company and its

shareholders, directors, supervisors, general

shareholders, directors, supervisors, general

managers and other senior management

managers and other senior management

members, all of whom are entitled to claim

members, all of whom are entitled to claim

rights regarding the Company's affairs in

rights regarding the Company's affairs in

accordance with the Articles of Association.

accordance with the Articles of Association.

Subject to Article 215 of the Articles of

Subject to Article 215219 of the Articles

Association, the Articles of Association

of Association, the Articles of Association

are actionable by a shareholder against

are actionable by a shareholder against

the Company; by the Company against

the Company; by the Company against

shareholders, directors, supervisors, general

shareholders, directors, supervisors, general

managers and other senior management

managers and other senior management

members; by a shareholder against each

members; by a shareholder against each

o t h e r; a n d b y a s h a r e h o l d e r a g a i n s t

o t h e r; a n d b y a s h a r e h o l d e r a g a i n s t

directors, supervisors, general manager and

directors, supervisors, general manager and

other senior management members of the

other senior management members of the





- 7 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 34 Shares repurchased by the

Article 34 Shares repurchased by the

Company in accordance with subparagraphs

Company in accordance with subparagraphs

(1), (2) and (4) of the Article 30 herein shall

(1), (2) and (4) of the Article 3031

be transferred or cancelled within the period

herein shall be transferred or cancelled

prescribed by laws and administrative

within the period prescribed by laws

regulations. Shares repurchased under

and administrative regulations. Shares

subparagraph (1) shall be cancelled within

repurchased under subparagraph (1) shall

ten days from the date of acquisition;

be cancelled within ten days from the date

for those circumstances described under

of acquisition; for those circumstances

subparagraphs (2) and (4), the shares shall

described under subparagraphs (2) and (4),

be transferred or cancelled within six

the shares shall be transferred or cancelled

months. The shares repurchased by the

within six months. The shares repurchased

Company in accordance with subparagraph

by the Company in accordance with

(3) of the Article 30 shall not exceed 5%

subparagraph (3) of the Article 3031 shall

of the total issued shares of the Company

not exceed 5% of the total issued shares

and shall be transferred to its employees

of the Company and shall be transferred

within one year; and the acquisition shall

to its employees within one year; and the

be financed out of the Company's after-tax

acquisition shall be financed out of the


Company's after-tax profit.




Article 36

Article 36



This provision does not apply to the

This provision does not apply to the

circumstances as stated in Article 37 of the

circumstances as stated in Article 3738 of

Articles of Association.

the Articles of Association.


Article 38 The following activities shall

Article 38 The following activities shall

not be deemed to be activities as prohibited

not be deemed to be activities as prohibited

in Article 35:

in Article 3536:



- 8 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 47 Transfers may not be entered

Article 47 Transfers may not be entered

in the register of shareholders within thirty

in the register of shareholders within thirty

days prior to the date of a shareholders'

days prior to the date of a shareholders'

general meeting or within five days before

general meeting or within five days before

the record date set by the Company for

the record date set by the Company for

the purpose of distribution of dividends.

the purpose of distribution of dividends.

This Article shall not be applicable to the

Where laws, administrative regulations

registration of changes in shareholder'

and rules, departmental rules, normative

register in issuing new shares in accordance

documents and the relevant stock

with Article 23 of these Articles of

exchange or regulatory authority where


the shares of the Company are listed

stipulate on the period of closure of the

register of members prior to the date of

a general meeting or the record date set

by the Company for the distribution of

dividends, such provisions shall prevail.

This Article shall not be applicable to the

registration of changes in shareholder'

register in issuing new shares in accordance

with Article 2324 of the Articles of



Article 59 In addition to obligations

Article 59 In addition to obligations

imposed by laws, administrative regulations

imposed by laws, administrative regulations

or required by the stock exchange on

or required by the stock exchange on

which shares of the Company are listed, a

which shares of the Company are listed, a

controlling shareholder (as defined in the

controlling shareholder (as defined in the

Article 59 herein) shall not exercise his

Article 5960 herein) shall not exercise his

voting rights in respect of the following

voting rights in respect of the following

matters in a manner prejudicial to the

matters in a manner prejudicial to the

interests of all or part of the shareholders of

interests of all or part of the shareholders of

the Company:

the Company:



- 9 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 64

A general meeting shall

Article 64 A general meeting shall

either be an annual general meeting or an

either be an annual general meeting or an

extraordinary general meeting. The general

extraordinary general meeting. The general

meetings shall be convened by the Board.

meetings shall be convened by the Board.

Annual general meetings are held once

Annual general meetings are held once

every year and within six months from the

every year and within six months from the

close of the preceding financial year.

close of the preceding financial year.

The Board shall convene an extraordinary

The Board shall convene an extraordinary

general meeting within two months of the

general meeting within two months of the

occurrence of any one of the following

occurrence of any one of the following



(1) the number of directors is less than

(1) the number of directors is less than

the quorum required by the Company

the quorum required by the Company

Law or two-thirds of the number of

Law or two-thirds of the number of

directors specified in the Articles of

directors specified in the Articles of



(2) when the unrecovered losses of the

(2) when the unrecovered losses of the

Company amount to one third of the

Company amount to one third of the

total amount of its share capital;

total amount of its share capital;

(3) w h e r e

a n y s h a r e h o l d e r h o l d i n g

(3) w h e r e a n y s h a r e h o l d e r h o l d i n g

severally or jointly 10% or more of

severally or jointly 10% or more of

the Company's issued and outstanding

the Company's issued and outstanding

shares carrying voting rights requests

shares carrying voting rights requests

in writing for the convening of an

in writing for the convening of an

extraordinary general meeting;

extraordinary general meeting;

(4) when deemed necessary by the Board

(4) when deemed necessary by the Board

or when requested by the Board of

or when requested by the Board of

Supervisors; or

Supervisors; or

  1. when proposed by half or more of (5) when proposed by half or more of

independent non-executive directors.

independent non-executive directors.

- 10 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 65 The Company shall hold the

Article 65 The Company shall hold the

general meeting at the domicile of the

general meeting at the domicile of the

Company or such other specific places as

Company or such other specific places as

notified by the convener of the general

notified by the convener of the general



A general meeting shall have a venue where

A general meeting shall have a venue where

it shall be held in the form of a physical

it shall be held in the form of a physical

meeting. Subject to the laws, regulations

meeting. Subject to the laws, regulations

and mandatory provisions of the listing

and mandatory provisions of the listing

rules in the listing place, the Company will

rules in the listing place, the Company will

also provide online transmission or other

also provide online transmission or other

ways for the convenience of shareholders.

ways for the convenience of shareholders.

Shareholders who attend the meeting in

Shareholders who attend the meeting in

the aforesaid manners shall be deemed as

the aforesaid manners shall be deemed as



On the premise of the lawfulness and

On the premise of the lawfulness and

validity of general meetings, the Company

validity of general meetings, the Company

s h a l l f a c i l i t a t e t h e p a r t i c i p a t i o n o f

s h a l l f a c i l i t a t e t h e p a r t i c i p a t i o n o f

shareholders in general meetings by various

shareholders in general meetings by various

means and ways, with priority first given to

means and ways, with priority first given to

the modern information technology means,

the modern information technology means,

such as an online voting platform, etc.

such as an online voting platform, etc.

- 11 -



Original Article

Amended Article

T h e B o a r d s h a l l c o n v e n e a n

extraordinary general meeting within

two months of the occurrence of any one

of the following circumstances:

(1) the number of directors is less

than the quorum required by the

Company Law or two-thirds of the

number of directors specified in the

Articles of Association;

(2) when the unrecovered losses of the

Company amount to one third of the

total amount of its share capital;


where any shareholder holding

severally or jointly 10% or more

o f t h e C o m p a n y ' s i s s u e d a n d

outstanding shares carrying voting

rights requests in writing for the

convening of an extraordinary

general meeting;


when deemed necessary by the

Board or when requested by the

Board of Supervisors; or

(5) when proposed by half or more

o f i n d e p e n d e n t n o n - e x e c u t i v e


- 12 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 66 A forty-five days' prior written

Article 66 A forty-fivedays' prior written

notice for convening the shareholders'

notice for convening the shareholders'

general meeting shall be given to notify

general meeting shall be given to notify

shareholders whose names appear in the

shareholders whose names appear in the

register of shareholders of the matters

register of shareholders of the matters

proposed to be considered and the date and

proposed to be considered and the date and

place of the meeting. Shareholders who

place of the meeting. Shareholders who

intend to attend the meeting shall serve the

intend to attend the meeting shall serve the

written reply slip to the Company twenty

written reply slip to the Company twenty

days prior to the date of the meeting.

days prior to the date of the meeting.

The date of the general meeting and the

The date of the general meeting and the

date when the notice is dispatched shall not

date when the notice is dispatched shall not

be included in the calculation of the period

be included in the calculation of the period

for issuing such notice.

for issuing such notice.

The Company shall hold the general

meeting at the domicile of the Company

or such other specific places as notified

by the convener of the general meeting.

A general meeting shall have a venue

where it shall be held in the form of a

physical meeting. Subject to the laws,

regulations and mandatory provisions

o f t h e l i s t i n g r u l e s i n t h e l i s t i n g

place, the Company will also provide

online transmission or other ways

for the convenience of shareholders.

Shareholders who attend the meeting in

the aforesaid manners shall be deemed as


O n t h e p r e m i s e o f t h e l a w f u l n e s s

and validity of general meetings, the

Company shall facilitate the participation

of shareholders in general meetings by

various means and ways, with priority

first given to the modern information

technology means, such as an online

voting platform, etc.

- 13 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 67 When the Company convenes

Article 67 When the Company convenes

a general meeting, the Board, the Board

a general meeting, the Board, the Board

of Supervisors and the shareholders either

of Supervisors and the shareholders either

individually or collectively holding 3% or

individually or collectively holding 3% or

more of the Company's shares may put up

more of the Company's shares may put up

ad hoc proposals.

ad hoc proposals.

When the Company convenes an annual

When the Company convenes an annual

general meeting, shareholders either

general meeting, shareholders either

individually or collectively holding 3% or

individually or collectively holding 3% or

more of the Company's shares have the

more of the Company's shares have the

right to put up ad hoc proposals in writing

right to put up ad hoc proposals in writing

to the Company, and the Company shall

to the Company, and the Company shall

include such ad hoc proposals into the

include such ad hoc proposals into the

agenda for such general meeting if they

agenda for such general meeting if they

are matters falling within the functions and

are matters falling within the functions and

powers of general meeting.

powers of general meeting.

The ad hoc proposals raised by shareholders

The ad hoc proposals raised by shareholders

shall satisfy the following requirements:

shall satisfy the following requirements:

(1) free of conflicts with the provisions

(1) free of conflicts with the provisions

of laws and regulations, and fall into

of laws and regulations, and fall into

the terms of reference of the general

the terms of reference of the general



  1. with definite topics to discuss and (2) with definite topics to discuss and

specific matters to resolve; and

specific matters to resolve; and

(3) submitted or served to the Board in

(3) submitted or served to the Board in

writing ten days prior to the date of

writing ten days prior to the date of

the general meeting.

the general meeting.

- 14 -



Original Article

Amended Article

A twenty business days' prior written notice for convening the annual general meeting of the Company shall be given. A ten business days or fifteen days' (whichever is longer) prior written notice for convening the extraordinary general meeting of the Company shall be given. Business day refers to the day on which the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is open for securities trading.

The date of the general meeting and the date when the notice is dispatched shall not be included in the calculation of the period for issuing such notice.

- 15 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 68 The Company shall, based on

Article 68 The Company shall, based on

the written replies received twenty days

the written replies received twenty days

before the date of the general meeting,

before the date of the general meeting,

calculate the number of shares with voting

calculate the number of shares with voting

right represented by the shareholders who

right represented by the shareholders who

intend to attend the meeting. If the number

intend to attend the meeting. If the number

of shares with voting rights represented by

of shares with voting rights represented by

the shareholders who intend to attend the

the shareholders who intend to attend the

meeting reaches one half or more of the

meeting reaches one half or more of the

Company's total shares with voting rights,

Company's total shares with voting rights,

the Company may hold the general meeting;

the Company may hold the general meeting;

otherwise, the Company shall within five

otherwise, the Company shall within five

days notify the shareholders, again by way

days notify the shareholders, again by way

of a public announcement, of the matters

of a public announcement, of the matters

to be considered at, and the place and date

to be considered at, and the place and date

for, the meeting. The Company may then

for, the meeting. The Company may then

proceed to hold the meeting.

proceed to hold the meeting.

An extraordinary general meeting shall not

An extraordinary general meeting shall not

transact matters not stated in the notice of

transact matters not stated in the notice of



When the Company convenes a general

m e e t i n g, t h e B o a r d, t h e B o a r d o f

Supervisors and the shareholders either

individually or collectively holding 3% or

more of the Company's shares may put

up ad hoc proposals.

- 16 -



Original Article

Amended Article

When the Company convenes an annual general meeting, shareholders either individually or collectively holding 3% or more of the Company's shares have the right to put up ad hoc proposals in writing to the Company, and the Company shall include such ad hoc proposals into the agenda for such general meeting if they are matters falling within the functions and powers of general meeting.

T h e a d h o c p r o p o s a l s r a i s e d b y shareholders shall satisfy the following requirements:

(1) free of conflicts with the provisions of laws and regulations, and fall into the terms of reference of the general meeting;

(2) with definite topics to discuss and specific matters to resolve; and

(3) submitted or served to the Board in writing ten days prior to the date of the general meeting.

- 17 -



Original Article

Amended Article

12. Article 70 Notice of a general meeting Article 70 Notice of a general meeting

shall be served on the shareholders (whether

shall be served on the shareholders (whether

or not entitled to vote at the meeting), by

or not entitled to vote at the meeting), by

personal delivery or prepaid mail to the

personal delivery or prepaid mail to the

address of the shareholders as shown in the

address of the shareholders as shown in the

register of shareholders. Notices of general

register of shareholders. Notices of general

meetings of the Company can be given by

meetings of the Company can be given by

way of public announcement (including

way of public announcement (including

publication on the website of the Company)

publication on the website of the Company)

to the extent permitted under all applicable

to the extent permitted under all applicable

laws and regulations and the listing rules

laws and regulations and the listing rules

in the place where the Company's shares

in the place where the Company's shares

are listed. For holders of domestic shares,

are listed. For holders of domestic shares,

notices of general meeting can be given by

notices of general meeting can be given by

way of public announcement.

way of public announcement.

The public announcement referred to in

The public announcement referred to in

the preceding paragraph shall be published

the preceding paragraph shall be published

in one or more newspapers designated by

in one or more newspapers designated by

competent authorities such as the securities

competent authorities such as the securities

regulatory authority of the State Council

regulatory authority of the State Council

within the interval between forty-five (45)

within the interval between forty-five (45)

days and fifty (50) days before the date

days and fifty (50) days before the date

of the meeting; after the publication of

of the meeting;after the publication of

announcement, the holders of domestic

announcement, the holders of domestic

shares shall be deemed to have received

shares shall be deemed to have received

notice of the relevant shareholders' general

notice of the relevant shareholders' general




Article 95 Rights conferred to class

Article 95 Rights conferred to class

s h a r e h o l d e r s m a y n o t b e v a r i e d o r

s h a r e h o l d e r s m a y n o t b e v a r i e d o r

abrogated unless approved by way of a

abrogated unless approved by way of a

special resolution at a general meeting

special resolution at a general meeting

and by the affected class shareholders at a

and by the affected class shareholders at a

separate shareholders' meeting convened in

separate shareholders' meeting convened

accordance with Articles 96 to 100.

in accordance with Articles 96 to 10097 to


- 18 -



Original Article

Amended Article

14. Article 97 Shareholders of the affected Article 97 Shareholders of the affected

class, whether or not otherwise entitled to

class, whether or not otherwise entitled to

vote at general meetings, shall nevertheless

vote at general meetings, shall nevertheless

be entitled to vote at class meetings in

be entitled to vote at class meetings in

respect of matters concerning paragraphs (2)

respect of matters concerning paragraphs (2)

to (8), (11) and (12) of Article 95 set out

to (8), (11) and (12) of Article 9596 set out

above, but interested shareholder(s) shall

above, but interested shareholder(s) shall

not be entitled to vote at class meetings.

not be entitled to vote at class meetings.

The meaning of "interested shareholder(s)"

The meaning of "interested shareholder(s)"

as mentioned in the preceding paragraph is:

as mentioned in the preceding paragraph is:

(1) in the case of a repurchase of shares

(1) in the case of a repurchase of shares

by pro rata offers to all shareholders

by pro rata offers to all shareholders

or public dealing on a stock exchange

or public dealing on a stock exchange

under Article 31, a "controlling

under Article 3132, a "controlling

shareholder" within the meaning

shareholder" within the meaning

of Article 59 of the Articles of

of Article 5960 of the Articles of



(2) in the case of a repurchase of own

(2) in the case of a repurchase of own

shares by an off-market agreement

shares by an off-market agreement

under Article 31, a shareholder who is

under Article 3132, a shareholder

related to the agreement; and

who is related to the agreement; and




Article 98 Resolutions of a class meeting

Article 98 Resolutions of a class meeting

shall be passed by shareholders present at

shall be passed by shareholders present at

the meeting representing two thirds or more

the meeting representing two thirds or more

of the voting rights according to Article 96.

of the voting rights according to Article 96


- 19 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 99 A written notice shall be issued

Article 99 The written notice period

to shareholders whose names appear on

for convening a class meeting shall be

the register of shareholders of such class

the same as that for a non-class meeting

forty-five days before the class meeting,

to be convened together with the class

specifying the matters proposed to be

meeting. The written notice shall inform

considered and the date and place of the

shareholders of the class whose names

meeting. The shareholders who intend to

appear on the register of shareholders of

attend the meeting shall serve the written

such class forty-five days before the class

reply to the Company twenty days prior to

meeting, specifyingthe matters proposed

the date of the meeting.

to be considered and the date and place of

the meeting. The shareholders who intend

If the number of shares carrying rights

to attend the meeting shall serve the written

to vote at the meeting represented by the

reply to the Company twenty days prior to

shareholders intending to attend the meeting

the date of the meeting.

reaches half or more of the total number of

shares of such class carrying rights to vote

If the number of shares carrying rights

at the meeting, the Company may hold the

to vote at the meeting represented by the

class meeting; otherwise, the Company shall

shareholders intending to attend the meeting

within five days notify the shareholders

reaches half or more of the total number of

again, by way of public announcement,

shares of such class carrying rights to vote

of the matters to be considered at, and the

at the meeting, the Company may hold the

place and date for, the meeting before it

class meeting; otherwise, the Company shall

proceeds to hold the class meeting.

within five days notify the shareholders

again, by way of public announcement,

of the matters to be considered at, and the

place and date for, the meeting before it

proceeds to hold the class meeting.


Article 102

Article 102



The Company shall have a board of

The Company shall have a board of

directors which shall consist of 9 directors,

directors which shall consist of 9 directors,

including 1 chairman and 3 independent

including 1 chairman, 3 independent

non-executive directors.

non-executive directors and 1 employee

representative director.

- 20 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 103 Non-employee representative

Article 103 Non-employee representative

D i r e c t o r s s h a l l b e e l e c t e d a t t h e

D i r e c t o r s s h a l l b e e l e c t e d a t t h e

shareholders' general meeting to hold office

shareholders' general meeting to hold office

for a term of three years. Upon maturity

for a term of three years. Upon maturity

of the term of office, a director shall be

of the term of office, a director shall be

eligible to offer himself for re-election and

eligible to offer himself for re-election and



The employee representatives in the

The employee representatives in the Board

Board shall be democratically elected by

Employee representative Directors shall

employees at the congress of workers and

be democratically elected or removed

staff, assembly of workers and staff or other

by employees at the congress of workers


and staff, assembly of workers and staff

e m p l o y e e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e m e e t i n g,


employee meeting or other means.



Article 124

Article 124



Each director has a ballot for voting. Except

Each director has a ballot for voting. Except

for circumstance provided in Article 124

for circumstance provided in Article 124

of the Articles of Association where the

126 of the Articles of Association where

Board considers connected transactions,

the Board considers connected transactions,

resolutions of the Board shall be passed by

resolutions of the Board shall be passed by

more than half of all directors.

more than half of all directors.



- 21 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 129 In respect of any matter which

Article 129 In respect of any matter which

needs to be passed at an extraordinary

needs to be passed at an extraordinary

Board meeting, if the Board has already

Board meeting, if the Board has already

sent out the written proposals to be

sent out the written proposals to be

resolved at such meeting (including through

resolved at such meeting (including through

facsimile and email) to all directors and

facsimile and email) to all directors and

each director was ensured to fully express

each director was ensured to fully express

his opinions, resolutions of extraordinary

his opinions, resolutions of extraordinary

meeting of the Board may be made by

meeting of the Board may be made by

means of telecommunication and no on-

means of telecommunication and no on-

site meeting of the Board is required. Such

site meeting of the Board is required. Such

resolution is deemed effectively passed

resolution is deemed effectively passed

provided that the number of directors who

provided that the number of directors who

sign and approve such a resolution satisfies

sign and approve such a resolution satisfies

the number of directors as required to make

the number of directors as required to make

such decision under Article 114 of the

such decision under Article 114115 of the

Articles of Association.

Articles of Association.


A r t i c l e 1 4 5 S u p e r v i s o r s w h o a r e

A r t i c l e 1 4 5 S u p e r v i s o r s w h o a r e

not employee representatives shall be

not employee representatives shall be

elected and removed by shareholders at

elected and removed by shareholders at

general meetings, while supervisors as

general meetings, while supervisors as

staff representatives shall be elected and

staff representatives shall be elected and

removed through democratic means by the

removed democratically by employees at

staff of the Company.

the employee representative meeting,

employee meeting, or other means


through democratic means by the staff of

the Company.



Article 162 Except for circumstances

Article 162 Except for circumstances

prescribed in Article 58 of the Articles of

prescribed in Article 5859 of the Articles of

Association, a director, supervisor, general

Association, a director, supervisor, general

manager and other senior management

manager and other senior management

member of the Company may be relieved

member of the Company may be relieved

of liability for specific breaches of his duty

of liability for specific breaches of his duty

with the informed consent of shareholders

with the informed consent of shareholders

given at a general meeting.

given at a general meeting.

- 22 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 168 A loan guarantee provided by

Article 168 A loan guarantee provided

the Company in breach of Article 162 shall

by the Company in breach of Article 162

be unenforceable against the Company,

166 shall be unenforceable against the

provided that:

Company, provided that:




Article 171 The Company shall enter into

Article 171 The Company shall enter into

a written contract with each of the directors,

a written contract with each of the directors,

s u p e r v i s o r s a n d s e n i o r m a n a g e m e n t

s u p e r v i s o r s a n d s e n i o r m a n a g e m e n t

members, including the following contents

members, including the following contents

at least:

at least:



(3) Arbitration clauses as provided in

(3) Arbitration clauses as provided in

Article 215.

Article 215219.


Article 173 The contracts concerning the

Article 173 The contracts concerning the

emoluments between the Company and its

emoluments between the Company and its

directors or supervisors should provide that

directors or supervisors should provide that

in the event that a takeover of the Company,

in the event that a takeover of the Company,

the Company's directors and supervisors

the Company's directors and supervisors

shall, subject to the prior approval of

shall, subject to the prior approval of

shareholders in a general meeting, have

shareholders in a general meeting, have

the right to receive compensation or other

the right to receive compensation or other

payment in respect of his loss of office or

payment in respect of his loss of office or



- 23 -



Original Article

Amended Article

For the purposes of this paragraph, the

For the purposes of this paragraph, the

takeover of the Company includes any of

takeover of the Company includes any of

the following:

the following:



(2) a n o f f e r m a d e b y a n y p e r s o n ,

(2) a n o f f e r m a d e b y a n y p e r s o n ,

with a view to make the offer or

with a view to make the offer or

the controlling shareholder. The

the controlling shareholder. The

"controlling shareholder" has the same

"controlling shareholder" has the same

meaning as defined in Article 59 of

meaning as defined in Article 5960 of

the Articles of Association.

the Articles of Association.




Article 185

Article 185



Dividends or other payments payable by

Dividends or other payments payable by

the Company to holders of its domestic

the Company to holders of its domestic

shares shall be denominated and declared

shares shall be denominated and declared

in RMB and paid in RMB within three

in RMB and paid in RMB within three

months from the date of declaration of

months from the date of declaration of

dividends; Dividends or other payments

dividends; Dividends or other payments

payable by the Company to holders of

payable by the Company to holders of

overseas-listedforeign-invested shares

overseas-listedforeign-invested shares

shall be denominated and declared in RMB

shall be denominated and declared in RMB

and paid in RMB within three months

and paid in RMBforeign currency within

from the date of declaration of dividends.

three months from the date of declaration

The exchange rate adopted for conversion

of dividends. The exchange rate adopted

shall be the average closing exchange

for conversion shall be the average closing

rate of relevant foreign currency against

exchange rate of relevant foreign currency

Renminbi as quoted by the People's Bank

against Renminbi as quoted by the People's

of China for the five business days prior to

Bank of China for the five business days

the declaration date. The foreign currency

prior to the declaration date. The foreign

payable by the Company to holders of

currency payable by the Company to

overseas-listedforeign-invested shares

holders of overseas-listedforeign-invested

shall be subject to the relevant regulations

shares shall be subject to the relevant

on foreign exchange control in the PRC.

regulations on foreign exchange control in

The Board shall be authorised by way of an

the PRC. The Board shall be authorised by

ordinary resolution at the general meeting

way of an ordinary resolution at the general

to implement dividend distribution of the

meeting to implement dividend distribution


of the Company.

- 24 -



Original Article

Amended Article


Article 195

Article 195



(2) The Company should send the copy

(2) The Company should send the copy

of the advice to the related competent

of the advice to the related competent

department within fourteen days after

department within fourteen days

receiving the written notice mentioned

after receiving the written notice

in sub-paragraph (1) of this Article.

mentioned in subparagraph (1) of this

In the event that the notice contains

Article. In the event that the notice

the statements as referred to in

contains the statements as referred

subparagraph (2) (ii) of Article 190,

to in subparagraph (2) (ii) of Article

the Company shall also place a copy

190194, the Company shall also

of the said statements in the Company

place a copy of the said statements

for shareholders' inspection. The

in the Company for shareholders'

Company should post the copies of

inspection. The Company should

above-mentioned statements to each

post the copies of above-mentioned

shareholder who is entitled to receive

statements to each shareholder who

the Company's financial statements

is entitled to receive the Company's

by prepaid mail; the addressee's

financial statements by prepaid mail;

address should follow the register

the addressee's address should follow

of shareholders. Subject to the laws,

the register of shareholders. Subject to

administrative regulations or the

the laws, administrative regulations or

listing rules of the stock exchange

the listing rules of the stock exchange

on which the Company's shares are

on which the Company's shares are

listed, the said statements may also be

listed, the said statements may also be

given by way of public announcement

given by way of public announcement

(including publishing on the website

(including publishing on the website

of the Company).

of the Company).



Save for the proposed amendments set out above, the other chapters and articles of the Articles of Association will remain unchanged. The proposed amendments shall be effective upon approval at the 2020 AGM.

- 25 -


    The 2020 AGM is proposed to be held at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, 4 June 2021 at No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC by the Company to consider and, if thought fit, to pass the matters set out in the notice of the 2020 AGM. The notice of the 2020 AGM, a proxy form and a reply slip have been dispatched to the Shareholders in accordance with the Listing Rules on 19 April 2021.
    Whether or not you intend to attend and/or vote at the 2020 AGM, you are requested to complete and return the proxy form in accordance with the instruction printed thereon.
    If you intend to attend the 2020 AGM (in person or by proxy), you are required to complete and return the accompanying reply slip to the H Share Registrar (for the holders of H Shares) or the Company's board office in the PRC (for the holders of Domestic Shares) on or before Saturday, 15 May 2021. If the number of voting Shares represented by the Shareholders who intend to attend the meeting reaches no less than one half of the total number of the Company's voting Shares, the Company may hold the 2020 AGM. If not, the Company shall within five days inform the Shareholders again, by public announcement or otherwise required in the Articles of Association, of the matters to be considered as well as the date and place of the meeting. Upon such notification, the Company may hold the 2020 AGM.
    If you intend to appoint a proxy to attend the 2020 AGM, you are required to complete and return the accompanying proxy form in accordance with the instructions printed thereon. For the holder of H Shares, the proxy form should be returned to the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, and for the holder of Domestic Shares, the proxy form should be returned to the Company's board office in the PRC in person or by post as soon as possible and in any event not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for holding the 2020 AGM or any adjourned meeting thereof.
    Completion and return of the form(s) of proxy will not preclude you from attending and voting in person at the 2020 AGM should you so wish and completion and return of the reply slip do not affect the right of a Shareholder to attend and vote at the 2020 AGM.
    Pursuant to Rule 13.39(4) of the Listing Rules, all votes of the Shareholders at the general meetings must be taken by poll. The chairman of the meeting will therefore demand a poll for every resolution put to the vote of the 2020 AGM pursuant to Article 81 of the Articles of Association.
    On a poll, every Shareholder present in person or by proxy (or being a corporation by its duly authorised representative) shall have one vote for each Share registered in his/her name in the register of members of the Company. A Shareholder entitled to more than one vote needs not use all his/her votes or cast all the votes he/she has in the same manner.

- 26 -



In order to ascertain the entitlements of the Shareholders to attend and vote at the 2020 AGM, the register of members of the Company shall be closed from Wednesday, 5 May 2021 to Friday, 4 June 2021 (both days inclusive), during which period no transfer of Shares will be effected. To be eligible to attend and vote at the 2020 AGM, all transfer documents must be lodged with the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong (for the holders of H Shares), or the Company's board office in the PRC at No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC, 100097 (for the holders of Domestic Shares) no later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 4 May 2021.

    The Board (excluding the Directors who are required to abstain, but including independent non-executive Directors) considers that each resolution to be proposed at the 2020 AGM is in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole, and accordingly, recommends the Shareholders to vote in favour of all the resolutions to be proposed at the 2020 AGM.

Yours faithfully,

By order of the Board

Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd.*

Qu Bo


- 27 -


Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd.*

大 唐 環 境 產 業 集 團 股 份 有 限 公 司

(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1272)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual general meeting of Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd. (the "Company") for the year of 2020 (the "2020 AGM") will be convened at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, 4 June 2021 at No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC, for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following matters (whether amended or not). Terms used in this notice shall have the same meanings as those defined in the circular of the Company dated 19 April 2021 (the "Circular") unless otherwise specified.

Ordinary Resolutions

  1. To consider and approve the Report of the Board for 2020;
  2. To consider and approve the Report of the Supervisory Committee for 2020;
  3. To consider and approve the Final Financial Accounts of the Company for 2020;
  4. To consider and approve the Financial Budget Report of the Company for 2021;
  5. To consider and approve the Independent Auditor's Report and the audited financial statements for 2020;
  6. To consider and approve the Profit Distribution Plan for 2020 and the Proposed 2020 Final Dividend;
  7. To consider and approve the Remuneration Report for Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company for 2020;
  8. To consider and approve the Investment Plan for 2021; and

- 28 -


  1. To consider and approve the re-appointment of Ernst & Young and Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP as international and domestic auditors of the Company for 2021, respectively, with a term of engagement ended upon the conclusion of the 2021 annual general meeting of the Company, and the grant of authority to the Board, which further grants such authority to the senior management of the Company to determine remunerations of the auditors.

Special Resolution

  1. To consider and approve the Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Association.

The main texts of resolutions at the 2020 AGM are set forth in the Circular, which will be available on the website of the Stock Exchange ( and on the website of the Company (

By order of the Board

Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd.*

Qu Bo


Beijing, the PRC, 19 April 2021

As of the date of this notice, the non-executive Directors are Mr. Qu Bo, Mr. Liu Quancheng, Mr. Liu Ruixiang and Mr. Li Zhenyu; the executive Directors are Mr. Wang Yanwen and Mr. Tian Dan; and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Ye Xiang, Mr. Mao Zhuanjian and Mr. Gao Jiaxiang.

  • For identification purpose only Notes:
  1. In order to ascertain the entitlements of the Shareholders to attend and vote at the 2020 AGM, the register of members of the Company will be closed from Wednesday, 5 May 2021 to Friday, 4 June 2021 (both days inclusive). Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Company upon the end of business hours on Friday, 4 June 2021 are entitled to attend and vote at the 2020 AGM.
    To be eligible to attend and vote at the 2020 AGM, all transfer documents must be lodged with the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong (for holders of H Shares), or the Company's board office in the PRC at No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC, 100097 (for holders of Domestic Shares), no later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 4 May 2021.
  2. Each Shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the 2020 AGM may, by completing the form of proxy of the Company, appoint one or more proxies to attend and vote at the 2020 AGM on its behalf. A proxy need not be a Shareholder. With respect to any Shareholder who has appointed more than one proxy, the proxy holders may only vote on a poll.

- 29 -


  1. The instrument to appoint a proxy shall be signed by the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in writing or, in the case of a legal person, must be either executed under its common seal or under the hand of its directors or attorney duly authorised.
  2. To be valid, the form of proxy must be lodged with the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong (for holders of H Shares) or the Company's board office in the PRC (for holders of Domestic Shares) within 24 hours prior to the holding of the 2020 AGM. If such instrument is signed by another person under a power of attorney or other authorisation documents given by the appointer, such power of attorney or other authorisation documents shall be notarised. The notarised power of attorney or other authorisation documents shall, together with the instrument appointing the proxy, be deposited at the specified place at the time set out in such instrument. Completion and return of the proxy form will not preclude Shareholders from attending and voting in person at the 2020 AGM or any adjourned meetings should you so wish.
  3. Shareholders shall produce their identity documents and supporting documents in respect of Shares held when attending the 2020 AGM. If corporate Shareholders appoint authorised representative to attend the 2020 AGM, the authorised representative shall produce his/her identity documents and a notarised certified copy of the relevant authorised documents signed by the Board or other authorised parties of the Shareholders or other notarised certified documents allowed by the Company. Proxies shall produce their identity documents and the proxy forms signed by the Shareholders or their attorney when attending the 2020 AGM.
  4. The Company has the rights to request a proxy who attends the 2020 AGM on behalf of a Shareholder to provide proof of identity.
  5. H Shareholders (in person or by proxy) who intend to attend the 2020 AGM shall complete and deliver the reply slips to the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited on or before Saturday, 15 May 2021 in person, by mail or by fax. Domestic Shareholders (in person or by proxy) who intend to attend the 2020 AGM shall deliver the said document to the Company's board office in the PRC subject to the same time limit.
  6. The 2020 AGM is expected to be held for less than half a day. Shareholders who intend to attend the 2020 AGM shall bear their own transportation and accommodation expenses.
  7. In case of joint Shareholders, the vote of the most senior one (in person or by proxy) will be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of other joint Shareholders, and for this purpose, the seniority shall be determined by the order in which the names of such joint Shareholders stand in the register of members of the Company.
  8. H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, is situated at Shops 1712- 1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, and with the fax number: +852 2865 0990.
  9. The contact details of the Company's board office in the PRC are as follows: Address: No. 120 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC, 100097 Fax number: +86 10 5838 9860

- 30 -


  • Original document
  • Permalink


Datang Environment Industy Group Co. Ltd. published this content on 19 April 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 20 April 2021 01:11:03 UTC.