Syndication Inc. reported that on June 19th, 2015, the BOD approved and executed a marketing and product distribution agreement for its 'ARHCER' trading software and Day TradeXchange trade room membership subscription sales with NINJA TRADER. Under the terms of the agreement NINJA TRADER will provide among other commitments, vendor license interface distribution controls for "ARCHER" software sales including free trials and expiration date payment management, code obfuscation to protect DTX intellectual property and prevent reverse engineering, new partner launch marketing, coordinated press releases both public press and existing network subscribers, direct e-mail campaign, with announcements on twitter, Facebook and Stockwits, sponsored webinar events, rotational banner advertisement, you tube and social media marketing, logo sharing on print and electronic platforms, and revenue sharing. The company reported that this is just one of a number relationships being completed but, foresees great potential in the NINJA TRADER affiliation.

It's got scale, credibility and hits the company's target market point blank. The Company indicated that news on the launch date of the product distribution and related marketing campaign with NINJA TRADER is pending and will be released accordingly.