De.mem Limited announced revenue guidance for the year of 2020. The total group revenue comprises the sum of its recurring revenues (BOO, O&M, consumables sales) and non-recurring revenues (equipment sales, which often lead to recurring revenues through the signing of service contracts or consumables sales following the delivery of the equipment). The company sees itself well-positioned for strong revenue growth in CY2020 with a forecast of approximately AUD 10 million for its recurring revenue segments plus the AUD 1.4 million in CY2019-20 roll-over contracts (already contracted revenues from equipment sales/projects contracted in CY19 but with revenue to be recorded in CY20) as at the date of this release. Total group cash receipts/revenue for CY2020, including equipment sales/projects, are forecast to be in the range from AUD 16 million to AUD 20 million.