Defence Therapeutics Inc. announced that it mandated Transbiotech Biotechnology Research and Transfer Center to initiate testing its cellular anti-cancer ARM vaccine against deadly pancreatic cancer. Using the AccumTM technology, Defence developed a ground-breaking approach to convert the innate suppressive mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) into potent antigen presenting cells capable of mounting an effective anti-tumoral response against solid tumors. Defence tested this vaccine using various in vivo animal models including solid T-cell lymphoma and melanoma.

The vaccine was consistently effective against these models and cured 80-100% of treated animals, whereby the tumor completely regressed. Based on these impressive data, Defence contracted Transbiotech Biotechnology Research and Transfer Center, to test the potency of its ARM vaccine in animals with pre-established pancreatic tumors. The study will consist of using the lysate of the Pan02 cell line (serving as a source of tumor antigens) mixed with the A1 dimer prior to in vitro pulsing MSCs.

The final ARM vaccine will then be administered to allogeneic animals in combination with the anti-PD-1 immune-checkpoint inhibitor.