FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - After warning strikes, there is now a threat of indefinite work stoppages in the Postbank wage dispute. Following the unsuccessful fourth round of negotiations with Deutsche Bank, the unions want to initiate a ballot for around 12,000 employees with Postbank collective agreements. According to the German Bank Employees' Association (DBV), so-called enforced strikes could take place after May 3 if no agreement is reached by then. According to Verdi negotiator Jan Duscheck, there was some movement in the negotiations in the fourth round. "However, the positions are still far apart, especially when it comes to salaries."

During the ballot, the unions want to refrain from work stoppages. "However, no one should doubt the determination of the employees to come to an understanding after May 3, even with hard enforced strikes if necessary," said the DBV. Prior to this, the bargaining parties want to meet for a fifth round of negotiations on April 30.

Verdi: Salary offer too low

Verdi wants 15.5 percent more money, but at least an increase in monthly salaries of 600 euros. The union is also calling for the protection against dismissal to be extended until the end of 2028. Deutsche Bank plans to close up to 250 of the 550 Postbank branches by mid-2026, including staff cuts.

DBV is demanding 14.5 percent more pay for a period of one year and the introduction of a full company pension scheme. Before the fourth round on Tuesday, the unions had increased the pressure and repeatedly called for warning strikes. Some customers were faced with closed branches. The processing of banking transactions (back office) was also affected.

According to information from banking circles, Deutsche Bank recently offered a salary increase in two stages totaling 10 percent for a term of 27 months. According to the trade union, the offer provides for a 6.4 percent increase in the first stage and 3.6 percent in the second stage. Protection against dismissal is to be extended until June 30, 2027. There is to be a company pension scheme for those who have not yet been provided for. According to the DBV, around 3,500 employees would benefit from this.

Verdi negotiator Duscheck criticized the salary offer as too low and the term as too long. It remains well below the inflation of recent years. "It cements the loss of purchasing power for Postbank employees in the long term and is therefore unacceptable."/mar/DP/nas