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New Belgian telecom provider Digi Belgium is getting ready to launch in the second half of 2024. In the future, the company plans to offer subscriptions for mobile services, fixed Internet via fiber and television. Digi Belgium promises to be cheaper than current providers.

In the news: Digi Belgium will officially launch later this year. This was announced by Serghei Bulgac, CEO of parent company Digi Communications when commenting on the first-quarter figures, reports De Tijd. The company will become the fourth full-fledged telecom operator in our country. Digi Belgium will initially offer only mobile services.

Digi Belgium

The name Digi Belgium first surfaced two years ago when the company surprisingly bought a 5G license in our country. This was a collaboration between Citymesh, the telecom arm of IT group Cegeka, and Romanian company Digi Communications, which also operates in some other countries.

  • Besides Proximus, Telenet and Orange, it thus becomes the fourth telecom player on the market in Belgium. Minister of Telecom Petra De Sutter (Green) already welcomed this arrival in the past because competition can bring lower prices.

Mobile subscription

Although Digi Belgium also has plans to offer Internet and digital television in the future, its initial focus is on mobile subscriptions. When exactly that will be is not known, although the company does claim that their prices will be very competitive right away.

  • "Our offer will not be five percent cheaper than the competition or even ten percent, but even cheaper than that," top executive Jeroen Degadt said about this in an interview with HLN.
  • "When we announce our prices, it will be anything but a marketing stunt. As I said, we are here for the long term. To give you an example, in Spain our prices are even printed on our vans, because we know we shouldn't raise them. Here in Belgium, too, our prices will be just as stable from the start," it goes on to say.

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