DIT Group Limited announce that Mr. LIU Weixing (Mr. Liu), the Chairman of the Boardand an executive Director of the Company, has tendered his resignation to resign from the positions of the Chairman of the Board, executive Director of the Company, member of the remuneration committee of the Board (the Remuneration Committee) and chairman of the nomination committee of the Board (the Nomination Committee) with effect from 26 January 2024, due to his age and in order to devote more time for his personal and other business engagements. Mr. Liu has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no other matters in relation to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company or the Stock Exchange. Following the resignation of Mr. Liu, the Board announces that Mr. GUO Weiqiang (Mr. Guo), an executive Director and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company will be appointed as the Chairman, member of the Remuneration Committee and chairman of the Nomination Committee with effect from 26 January 2024.

Mr. Guo, aged 46, was appointed as an executive Director on 17 September 2019. Mr. Guo is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company. Mr. Guo joined CCRE Group (Central China Real Estate Limited in 2001 and has held various positions in the CCRE Group since then.

Mr. Guo, who has served for the CCRE Group over 20 years, worked as the manager of the treasury department, the assistant general manager of the finance center and the deputy director of the office of the board of directors of the CCRE Group. Mr. Guo also served as the executive deputy general manager of the CCRE Group's office in Nanyang City, the executive general manager of the CCRE Group's office in Xinxiang City, the general manager of the CCRE Group's regional head office in Xinxiang and the assistant president and vice president of CCRE. Mr. Guo obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Real Estate Operation and Management from Henan University of Economics and Law in 2001.

He obtained a Master's Degree in Engineering from Wuhan University in 2009 and a Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting from The University of Hong Kong in 2011. Mr. Guo obtained the qualification of Senior Accountant in Henan in 2009 and was qualified as a Senior International Finance Manager by the International Financial Management Association 2011. Mr. Guo has been a certified public accountant since 2012.

In 2021, Mr. Guo was appointed as the vice president of the Construction Industrilisation Association Branch of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, and was selected as one of the urgently needed talents for Changsha after a review and finalisation by the Talent Working Leadership Group of the Chinese Communist Party Committee of Changsha in 2022.