Eastern Water Resources Development and Management Public Company Limited entered into a contract for the management and operation of the main water pipeline system in the Eastern region (the "Contract") with the Ministry of Finance on 26 December 1993. The Contract has a term of 30 years, with the objective of enabling the Company to manage the water distribution pipeline system and collect raw water charges under the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Company hereby informed that on 31 December 2023, marking the expiration date of the Contract, the Company has fulfilled its obligation to deliver assets back to the Ministry of Finance (the "Dokkrai Water Pipeline Project").

Furthermore, the Company anticipates that the delivery of these assets may result in the lessening of the Company's raw water revenue for the year 2024 compared to the total revenue in 2023. However, the Company is in the process of constructing its own additional water distribution pipeline systems of approximately 139 kilometers, along with water pumping stations. This will extend the Company's water distribution pipeline systems to a total length of approximately 526 kilometers to accommodate the increasing demand for water both in the present and future, especially in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).

Moreover, the Company has an integrated water business, in which the Company has signed comprehensive water service projects of more than 100,000 cubic meters per day. Therefore, the Company is ready to conduct the business in a continuous manner.