Easy Lease Motorcycle Rental PJSC announced Board Meeting Results held on 30 November 2023 that following: Electing H:E Matar Suhail Ali Al Yabhouni Aldhaheri as Chairman of the Board. Electing Mr. Saeed Bin Mohammed Bin Ahmed lqassimi as Vice Chairman of the Board. Appointment of the Board Committees as Follows: Audit Committee: Mr. Alwyn Dinesh John Crasta, Chairman of the Committee a Non-Executive Independent Board Member.

Mr. Saeed Bin Mohammed Bin Ahmed Alqassimi, Vice Chairman of the Committee. a Non-Executive and Independent Board Member. Mr. Ahmed Salah Al Ddin Abbas, a Non-Executive, and Independent Board Member.

In Nomination and Remuneration Committee: Mr. Saeed Bin Mohammed Bin Ahmed Alqass Chairman of the Committee. a Non-Executive Independent Board Member. Mr. Ahmad Mohammad Alsayed Ibrahim Al Sadah Executive Member, Mr. Alwyn Dinesh John Crasta, Member A Executive Independent Board Member.