EVIO Inc. announced that it has engaged in a strategic partnership with Gexin Analytical Labs (Gexin) to complete the buildout and operation of EVIO Labs Costa Mesa. This partnership paves the way for EVIO Labs to realize its vision of providing analytical testing services throughout California. EVIO Labs Costa Mesa will be the only analytical testing lab in Costa Mesa’s coveted “Green Zone,” positively positioned adjacent to the fourteen licensed distributors that operate within 1,000 feet of the lab’s location, as well as hundreds of distributors throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties. Gexin has entered into an Intellectual Property License Agreement which provides them the exclusive right to operate under the EVIO Labs brand in the Los Angeles and Orange counties markets. Under the terms of the agreement, the initial license fee payable to EVIO is $500,000 and commencing in year 2, a 5% gross royalty of all testing revenues. Gexin sees this laboratory buildout as a “proof of concept” that will pave the way for additional targeted investments in the future.