The board of directors of Finet Group Limited announced that Mr. Kwong Chun Chung has resigned as the company secretary of the Company and the authorised representative of the Company pursuant to Rule 5.24 of Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM with effect from 1 September 2022. Mr. Kwong has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter in relation to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the Stock Exchange or the shareholders of the Company. Following the resignation of Mr. Kwong as the Company Secretary and Authorised Representative, the Board further announces that the appointment of Ms. Cheung Yin as the Company Secretary and Authorised Representative with effect from 1 September 2022.

Ms. Cheung is currently an independent non-executive director of Prosperous Printing Company Limited and Joyas International Holdings Limited. Ms. Cheung is a Certified Public Accountant of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a Certified Practising Accountant of the CPA Australia. She obtained a master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Wales, Newport in the United Kingdom in December 2009 and a Bachelor's degree in Business (Accountancy) from the Charles Sturt University in Australia in April 1991.