If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult a stockbroker or other registered dealer in securities, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser.

If you have sold or transferred all your shares in the Company, you should at once hand this circular, together with the accompanying form of proxy to the purchaser or the transferee, or to the bank, stockbroker or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee.

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.

福 萊 特 玻 璃 集 團 股 份 有 限 公 司

Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd.

(a joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(stock code: 6865)






This Supplemental Circular shall be read in conjunction with the Circular.

Supplemental notice convening the EGM to be held at the Conference Room, Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd., 1999 Yunhe Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, the People's Republic of China, at 3:00 p.m. on 26 November, 2019 is set out on pages EGM-1 to EGM-3 of this Supplemental Circular.

The Revised Proxy Form for use at the EGM is also enclosed with this Supplemental Circular. If you intend to attend the EGM by proxy, you are required to complete and return the enclosed Revised Proxy Form in accordance with the instructions printed thereon to the Company's H shares registrar in Hong Kong, Tricor Investor Services Limited at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong (for holders of H Shares), or to the Company's registered office in the PRC at 1999 Yunhe Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, the People's Republic of China (for holders of A Shares) as soon as possible but in any event by not later than 24 hours before the time appointed for holding of the EGM or any adjournment thereof. Completion and return of the Revised Proxy Form shall not preclude you from attending and voting in person at the EGM or any adjourned meeting should you so wish. Shareholders should note that the Revised Proxy Form supersedes and replaces the Original Proxy Form and that the Original Proxy Form is void and invalid.


8 November 2019




. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


LETTER FROM THE BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





ASSOCIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .








EXTRAORDINARY MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EGM-1

- i -


In this circular, the following expressions shall have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise.

"2019 First EGM" or "EGM"

the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to

be held at the Conference Room, Flat Glass Group Co.,

Ltd., 1999 Yunhe Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing,

Zhejiang Province, the PRC at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday,

26 November 2019

"Articles of Association" or

the articles of association of the Company



the board of Directors of the Company


the circular of the Company dated 11 October 2019

"Company Law"

the Company Law of the PRC


the directors of the Company

"Flat Glass Group" or

Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd.* (福萊特玻璃集團股份有限公


, previously known as Zhejiang Flat Glass & Mirror

Co., Ltd.* (浙江福萊特玻璃鏡業股份有限公司) and Flat

Solar Glass Group Co., Ltd.* (福萊特光伏玻璃集團股份

有限公司)), a joint stock limited liability company

converted from its predecessor, Zhejiang Flat Glass &

Mirror Ltd.* (浙江福萊特玻璃鏡業有限公司, previously

known as Jiaxing City Naibang Trading Co., Ltd.*(嘉

興市耐邦經貿有限公司)), a limited liability company

established under the laws of the PRC, on 29

December 2005 and the H Shares of which are listed

on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code:

6865), the A Shares of which are listed on the Main

Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code:


"H Share(s)"

overseas listed foreign invested share(s) in the capital

of the Company with nominal value of RMB0.25 each,

which are subscribed for and traded in Hong Kong

dollars and listed on the Stock Exchange (stock code:


"Hong Kong"

the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the

People's Republic of China

"Listing Rules"

the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The

Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

- 1 -


"Original Proxy Form"

the original form of proxy for use at the EGM enclosed

with the Circular


the People's Republic of China, for the purpose of this

circular, excluding Hong Kong, the Macau Special

Administrative Region of the PRC and Taiwan

"Proposed Articles Amendments"

the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association

passed by the Board on 5 November 2019, subject to

Shareholders' approval at the EGM, the details of

which are set out in "Appendix I - Proposed

Amendment to Articles of Association" of this

Supplemental Circular

"Revised Proxy Form"

the revised proxy form for use at the EGM enclosed

with this Supplemental Circular


the A Share(s) and the H Share(s)


the holder(s) of the Share(s) of the Company

"Stock Exchange"

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

"Supplemental Circular"

this supplemental circular of the Company dated 8

November 2019



In this circular, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms "core connected person(s)", "connected person(s)", "connected transaction(s)", "controlling shareholder(s)" and "substantial shareholder(s)", if used, shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Listing Rules, as modified by the Stock Exchange from time to time.

Certain amounts and percentage figures set out in this circular have been subject to rounding adjustments. Accordingly, figures shown as total in certain tables and the currency conversion or percentage equivalents may not be an arithmetic sum of such figures.

Reference to the singular number includes references to the plural and vice versa and references to one gender include every gender.

English names of Chinese entities marked with "*" are translations of their Chinese names and are included in this circular for identification purpose only, and should not be regarded as their official English translation. In the event of any inconsistency, the Chinese names prevails.

- 2 -


福 萊 特 玻 璃 集 團 股 份 有 限 公 司

Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd.

(a joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(stock code: 6865)

Executive Directors:

Registered office, headquarters and

Mr. Ruan Hongliang (Chairman)

principal place of business in the PRC:

Ms. Jiang Jinhua

1999 Yunhe Road

Mr. Wei Yezhong

Xiuzhou District Jiaxing

Mr. Shen Qifu

Zhejiang Province PRC

Independent non-executive Directors:

Principal place of business in Hong Kong:

Dr. Cui Xiaozhong

Room C, 2/F, Capital Trade Centre,

Ms. Hua Fulan

62 Tsun Yip Street

Mr. Ng Ki Hung

Kwun Tong, Kowloon,

Hong Kong

8 November 2019

To the Shareholders

Dear Sir or Madam,






    This Supplemental Circular should be read in conjunction with the Circular.

This Supplemental Circular includes the additional resolutions proposed by Mr. Ruan Hongliang, one of the controlling shareholders of the Company, in writing to the Board on 7 November 2019 pursuant to article 75 of the articles of association of the Company.

The purposes of this Supplemental Circular are to (i) provide you with information regarding the supplemental resolutions to be proposed at the EGM; and (ii) give you supplemental notice of the EGM.

- 3 -



Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 5 November 2019 in relation to the Proposed Articles Amendments.

Please refer to Appendix I to this Supplemental Circular for the full text of the Proposed Articles Amendments. The Board would like to remind the Shareholders that the Chinese version of the Articles of Association shall always prevail in case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Chinese version and its English translation.

The Proposed Articles Amendments are subject to the approval of the Shareholders by way of a special resolution at the EGM. The Board will also propose a resolution at the EGM to authorise the Board to make changes in industrial and commercial registration and make relevant adjustments and revisions to the Articles of Association in accordance with the requirements and opinions of the relevant government departments and regulatory authorities in the PRC, including but not limited to adjustments and revisions to characters, chapters and articles.

Save for the amendments as set out in the Proposed Articles Amendments, the other provisions of the Articles of Association will remain unchanged. The Proposed Articles Amendments will become effective upon the approval by the Shareholders at the EGM.


To further optimise the corporate governance structure of the Company, the Board proposes to amend the Rules of Procedures of General Meetings. Please refer to Appendix II to this Supplemental Circular for details of the proposed amendments.

The proposed amendments to the above Rules of Procedures of General Meetings will be approved by way of ordinary resolutions at the EGM.

The Rules of Procedures of General Meetings mentioned above are formulated in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and listing rules of the PRC, some provisions of which may be different from the requirements of the Listing Rules. In the event that the requirements of the Listing Rules and the Rules of Procedures of General Meetings mentioned above are different, the Company will comply with all relevant listing rules on which the Shares are listed, whichever is stricter or impose greater obligation. The Board would like to remind the Shareholders that the Chinese version shall always prevail in case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Chinese version and its English translation.


A supplemental notice convening the EGM to be held at the Conference Room, Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd., 1999 Yunhe Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, the PRC, at 3:00 p.m. on 26 November, 2019, is set out on pages EGM-1 to EGM-3 of this Supplemental Circular.

- 4 -


To include the supplementary resolutions as set out in this Supplemental Circular to be proposed for Shareholders' approval which are not contained in the Original Proxy Form, the Revised Proxy Form is enclosed with this Supplemental Circular. Shareholders who intend to attend the EGM by proxy are required to complete and return the Revised Proxy Form, in accordance with the instructions printed thereon as soon as possible and in any event not later than 24 hours before the time appointed for the holding of such meeting or any adjournment thereof. Completion and return of the Revised Proxy Form will not preclude you from attending and voting in person at such meeting or any adjournment thereof should you so wish.

Shareholders should note that the Revised Proxy Form supersedes and replaces the Original Proxy Form and that the Original Proxy Form is void and invalid.


Please refer to the Circular for details in respect of other resolutions to be considered and passed at the EGM, eligibility for attending the EGM, registration procedures, closure of register of members and other relevant matters.


Pursuant to Rule 13.39(4) of the Listing Rules, the resolutions to be proposed at the EGM as set out in the notice of the EGM in the Circular and the supplemental notice of EGM enclosed in this Supplemental Circular must be taken by poll. The chairman of the EGM will therefore demand a poll for every such resolution put to the vote at the EGM. On a poll, every Shareholder present in person or by proxy or (being a corporation) by its duly authorised representative shall have one vote for each Share of the Company registered in his or her or its name in the register of Shareholders. A Shareholder entitled to more than one vote need not use all his or her votes or cast all the votes he or she or it uses in the same way.


The above resolutions are in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Directors recommend all Shareholders to vote in favor of the relevant resolution to be proposed at the EGM.

- 5 -



This Supplemental Circular, for which the Directors collectively and individually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Listing Rules for the purposes of giving information with regard to the Company. The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief the information contained in this document is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive, and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement in this Supplemental Circular misleading.

Yours faithfully

By order of the Board of

Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd.

Ruan Hongliang


- 6 -


In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and regulatory documents such as "Reply of the State Council on the Adjustment of the Provisions Applicable to the Notice Period for the Holding of Shareholders' Meeting for Overseas Listed Companies" (Guo Han [2019] No. 97), "Opinion of the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Protection of Legal Rights and Interests of Small and Medium-sized Investors in Capital Markets" (Guo Han Fa [2013] No. 110), "Guidance for the Articles of Association of Listed Companies" (2019 revision), and in light of the actual situation of the Company, it is proposed to amend certain articles of the Articles of Association in order to further improve the corporate governance practices of the Company, the Proposed Articles Amendments are set out below:

- I-1 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 1 The Articles of Association are formulated

Article 1 The Articles of Association are formulated

in accordance with the Company Law of the People's

in accordance with the Company Law of the People's

Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the

Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the

"Company Law"), the Securities Law of the People's

"Company Law"), the Securities Law of the People's

Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the

Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the

"Securities Law"), the Special Provisions of the State

"Securities Law"), the Special Provisions of the State

Council on the Overseas Offering and Listing of

Council on the Overseas Offering and Listing of

Shares by Joint Stock Limited Companies (hereinafter

Shares by Joint Stock Limited Companies (hereinafter

referred to as the "Special Provisions"), the

referred to as the "Special Provisions"), the Reply of

Mandatory Provisions for Articles of Association of

the State Council on the Adjustment of the Provisions

Companies Listed Overseas (hereinafter referred to as

Applicable to the Notice Period for Holding

the "Mandatory Provisions"), Guidance for the

Shareholders' Meeting of Overseas Listed Companies

Articles of Association of Listed Companies

(hereinafter referred to as the "Adjustment Reply"),

(hereinafter referred to as the "Guidance for Articles

the Mandatory Provisions for Articles of Association







of Companies Listed Overseas (hereinafter referred to

Supplementary Amendments to the Articles of

as the "Mandatory Provisions"), Guidance for the

Association of Companies to be Listed in Hong Kong

Articles of Association of Listed Companies

(hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions on

(hereinafter referred to as the "Guidance for Articles

Supplementary Amendments"), Rules Governing the







Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong

Supplementary Amendments to the Articles of

Kong Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Listing

Association of Companies to be Listed in Hong Kong

Rules of the Stock Exchange"), The Stock Listing

(hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions on

Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter

Supplementary Amendments"), Rules Governing the

referred to as the "Listing Rules of SSE", together

Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong

with the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange, are

Kong Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Listing

referred to as the "Listing Rules"), and other relevant

Rules of the Stock Exchange"), The Stock Listing

requirements, with an aim to safeguard the legal

Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter

interests of Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter

referred to as the "Listing Rules of SSE", together

referred to as the "Company" or "the Company"), its

with the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange, are

shareholders and creditors and regulate the

referred to as the "Listing Rules"), and other relevant

organization and conduct of the Company. (MP1)

requirements, with an aim to safeguard the legal

interests of Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter

referred to as the "Company" or "the Company"), its

shareholders and creditors and regulate the

organization and conduct of the Company. (MP1)

- I-2 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

The Company is incorporated as a joint stock limited

The Company is incorporated as a joint stock limited

company in accordance with the Company Law,

company in accordance with the Company Law,

Special Provisions and other relevant PRC laws and

Special Provisions and other relevant PRC laws and

administrative regulations.

administrative regulations.

The Company is a joint stock limited company

The Company is a joint stock limited company

established on 29 December 2005 by the promoters

established on 29 December 2005 by the promoters

under the overall restructuring of the original

under the overall restructuring of the original

Zhejiang Flat Glass & Mirror Ltd.. The Company was

Zhejiang Flat Glass & Mirror Ltd.. The Company was

registered with the Zhejiang Provincial Administration

registered with the Zhejiang Provincial Administration

for Industry & Commerce. The promoters of the

for Industry & Commerce. The promoters of the

Company are: Ruan Hongliang, Jiang Jinhua, Ruan

Company are: Ruan Hongliang, Jiang Jinhua, Ruan

Zeyun, Zheng Wenrong, Shen Fuquan, Zhu

Zeyun, Zheng Wenrong, Shen Fuquan, Zhu

Quanming, Wei Yezhong, Shen Qifu, Tao Hongzhu

Quanming, Wei Yezhong, Shen Qifu, Tao Hongzhu

and Wei Shutao. The Company's unified social credit

and Wei Shutao. The Company's unified social credit

code is 913300007044053729.

code is 913300007044053729.

Article 41 The respective parts of the shareholders'

Article 41 The respective parts of the shareholders'

register shall not overlap each other. In the event of

register shall not overlap each other. In the event of

transfer of shares registered in a specific part of the

transfer of shares registered in a specific part of the

shareholders' register, the said shares shall not be

shareholders' register, the said shares shall not be

registered in any other part of the shareholders'

registered in any other part of the shareholders'

register in the duration of the registration of the said

register in the duration of the registration of the said

shares. This article does not apply to registration of

shares. This article does not apply to registration of

change of the shareholders' register when new shares

change of the shareholders' register when new shares

are issued subject to Article 20 of the Articles of

are issued subject to Article 20 of the Articles of



Alterations or corrections to each section of the

Alterations or corrections to each section of the

register of shareholders shall be made in accordance

register of shareholders shall be made in accordance

with the laws of the place where such section of the

with the laws of the place where such section of the

register of shareholders is kept. (MP37)

register of shareholders is kept. (MP37)

- I-3 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 44 No changes of registration in the

Article 44 No changes of registration in the

shareholders' register arising from share transfer shall

shareholders' register arising from share transfer shall

be made within 30 days before convening of a

be made within 30 days before convening of a

general meeting or within five days prior to the

general meeting or within five days prior to the

benchmark date on which the Company decides to

benchmark date on which the Company decides to

distribute dividends. (MP38)

distribute dividends. Where the relevant stock

exchanges or regulatory authorities in the place where

the shares of the Company are listed provide,

otherwise such provisions shall be followed(MP38)

Article 63 Where the Company convenes a general

Article 63 Where the Company convenes a general

meeting, a written notice shall be given 45 days prior

meeting, a written notice shall be given 45 days prior

to the date of the meeting to notify all the

to the date of the meeting to notify all the

shareholders in the shareholders' register of the issues

shareholders in the shareholders' register of the issues

to be considered at the meeting, and the date and

to be considered at the meeting, and the date and

venue of the meeting. Any shareholder intending to

venue of the meeting. Any shareholder intending to

attend the meeting shall serve the Company a written

attend the meeting shall serve the Company a written

reply showing his intention to attend at least 20 days

reply showing his intention to attend at least 20 days

before the meeting. (MP53)

before the meeting. (MP53)

Article 63 A written notice convening the annual

general meeting shall be given by the convener not

less than 20 business days before the date of the

meeting to notify all shareholders of the meeting;

whereas a written notice of the extraordinary general

meeting shall be given not less than 15 business days

before the date of the meeting to notify all

shareholders of the meeting. A "business day" as

mentioned in this articles of association refers to any

trading day of securities on the Hong Kong Stock


The calculation of the abovementioned period shall

not include the date of publishing the announcement

and that of the meeting is convened.

Article 64 Where the Company convenes a general

(Delete the existing Article 64 in its entirety)

meeting, shareholders holding more than five percent

of shares of the Company (inclusive) may bring

forward provisional proposals and submit the same in

writing to the convenor. The Company shall put those

issues in the proposal which fall within the scope of

business of the general meeting to the agenda for

consideration at the meeting. (MP54)

- I-4 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 65 Based on the written replies received 20

(Delete the existing Article 65 in its entirety)

days before the general meeting, the Company shall

calculate the number of voting shares represented by

the shareholders who have intention to attend the

general meeting. If the shareholders who intend to

attend such meeting represent more than half of the

total number of shares which have the right to vote at

such meeting, the Company may hold the general

meeting; otherwise, the Company shall, within five

days, inform the shareholders again of the matters to

be considered, and the date and venue of the general

meeting by means of public announcement. The

Company may then hold the general meeting after

such public announcement has been made.

Proposals not set out in the notice of annual general

meeting or extraordinary general meeting shall not be

voted on or resolved at the meeting. (MP55)

Article 66 Notice of general meeting shall meet the

Article 66Article 64Notice of general meeting shall

following requirements: (MP56)

meet the following requirements: (MP56)


Is in written form;


Is in written form;


Specifies the venue, date and time of the


Specifies the venue, date and time of the




States matters to be discussed at the meeting;


States matters to be discussed at the meeting;


Provides such necessary information and


Provides such necessary information and

explanations for shareholders to make an

explanations for shareholders to make an

informed judgment on the matters to be

informed judgment on the matters to be

considered. Without limitation to the generality

considered. Without limitation to the generality

of the foregoing, where a proposal is made

of the foregoing, where a proposal is made

with respect to the merger of the Company

with respect to the merger of the Company

with another company, the repurchase of

with another company, the repurchase of

shares, restructuring of share capital, or other

shares, restructuring of share capital, or other

reorganization of the Company, the terms of

reorganization of the Company, the terms of

the proposed transaction must be provided in

the proposed transaction must be provided in

detail along with copies of the proposed

detail along with copies of the proposed

contract (if any), and the reason(s) and effect

contract (if any), and the reason(s) and effect

of such proposal must be properly explained;

of such proposal must be properly explained;

- I-5 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments


Contains a disclosure of the nature and extent


Contains a disclosure of the nature and extent

of the material interests of any director,

of the material interests of any director,











management in the proposed transaction and

management in the proposed transaction and

the effect which the proposed transaction will

the effect which the proposed transaction will

have on them in their capacity as shareholders

have on them in their capacity as shareholders

insofar as it is different from the effect on the

insofar as it is different from the effect on the

interests of shareholders of the same class;

interests of shareholders of the same class;


Contains the full text of any special resolution


Contains the full text of any special resolution

to be proposed at the meeting;

to be proposed at the meeting;


Contains a clear statement that a shareholder


Contains a clear statement that a shareholder

entitled to attend and vote at such meeting is

entitled to attend and vote at such meeting is

entitled to appoint one or more proxies to

entitled to appoint one or more proxies to

attend and vote at such meeting on his behalf

attend and vote at such meeting on his behalf

and that such proxy need not be a shareholder

and that such proxy need not be a shareholder

of the Company;

of the Company;

(VIII) Specifies the

time and


for serving the

(VIII) Specifies the




for serving


power of attorney for the voting proxy for the

power of attorney for the voting proxy for the




The date of registration of shareholding of the


The time between thedate of registration of

shareholders for determining those shareholders






entitled to attend the shareholders' meeting;

determining those shareholders entitled to


attend the shareholders' meeting, the date of

registration and the date of the meeting shall


The names and telephone numbers of the

comply with the requirements of the relevant

standing contact persons for the meeting.

supervisory authorities of the place where the

shares of the Company are listed; and


The names and telephone numbers of the

standing contact persons for the meeting.

- I-6 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 67 The notice of general meeting shall be

Article 67Article 65The notice of general meeting

delivered to shareholders (whether or not they are

shall be delivered to shareholders (whether or not

entitled to vote at the general meeting) by any modes

they are entitled to vote at the general meeting) by

agreed by the local securities exchange where the

any modes agreed by the local securities exchange

Company's shares are listed (including but not

where the Company's shares are listed (including but

limited to mailing, e-mail, fax, public announcement

not limited to mailing, e-mail, fax, public

and website of local securities exchange where the

announcement and website of local securities

Company or the Company's shares are listed). The

exchange where the Company or the Company's

address of the recipient is that as shown in the

shares are listed). The address of the recipient is that

shareholders' register. For shareholders of domestic

as shown in the shareholders' register. For

shares, the notice of general meeting shall be

shareholders of domestic shares, the notice of general

delivered by mode of public announcement.

meeting shall be delivered by mode of public


Public announcement referred to in the preceding

paragraph shall be published in one or more

Public announcement referred to in the preceding

newspapers designated by the securities authority

paragraph shall be published in one or more

under the State Council during a period between 45

newspapers designated by the securities authority

days to 50 days prior to the date of the meeting.

under the State Council during a period between 45

Once the announcement has been published, all

days to 50 days prior to the date of the meeting.

holders of domestic shares shall be deemed to have

Once the announcement has been published, all

received the notice of the relevant general meeting.

holders of domestic shares shall be deemed to have


received the notice of the relevant general meeting.


Article 68 The accidental omission to give notice of

Article 68Article 66 When the Company issues

meeting to, or non-receipt of notice of meeting by,

notice of shareholders' meetings in the manner as

any person entitled to receive notice shall not

required by the relevant stock exchange(s) or

invalidate the meeting and the resolutions made at the

regulatory authority(ies) of the place where the shares

meeting. (MP58)

are listed, the accidental omission to give notice of

meeting to, or non-receipt of notice of meeting by,

any person entitled to receive notice shall not

invalidate the meeting and the resolutions made at the

meeting. (MP58)

- I-7 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 71 The power of attorney for voting shall be

Article 71Article 69 The power of attorney for

deposited at the domicile of the Company or such

voting shall be deposited at the domicile of the

other place as specified in the notice of meeting at

Company or such other place as specified in the

least 24 hours prior to the meeting at which the proxy

notice of meeting at least 24 hours prior to the

is authorized to vote or 24 hours before the scheduled

meeting at which the proxy is authorized to vote or

voting time.

24 hours before the scheduled voting time. Where the

relevant stock exchange(s) or regulatory authority(ies)

Where such power of attorney is signed by a person

in the place where the shares of the Company are

authorized by the principal, the power of attorney

listed provide, otherwise such provisions shall be







documents shall be notarized. The notarized power of

attorney and other authorization documents shall,

Where such power of attorney is signed by a person

together with the power of attorney for voting, be

authorized by the principal, the power of attorney

deposited at the Company's domicile or other location






as specified in the notice of the meeting.

documents shall be notarized. The notarized power of

attorney and other authorization documents shall,

Where the principal is a legal person, its legal

together with the power of attorney for voting, be

representative or a person authorized by the board of

deposited at the Company's domicile or other location

directors or other decision making body shall attend

as specified in the notice of the meeting.

the general meeting of the Company on his behalf.


Where the principal is a legal person, its legal

representative or a person authorized by the board of

If the shareholder is a Recognized Clearing House (or

directors or other decision making body shall attend

its agent), the said shareholder may authorize one or

the general meeting of the Company on his behalf.

more persons as he deems appropriate to act on his


behalf at any general meeting or class general

meeting; however, where several persons are thus

If the shareholder is a Recognized Clearing House (or

authorized, the power of attorney shall specify the

its agent), the said shareholder may authorize one or

numbers and classes of shares involved by the said

more persons as he deems appropriate to act on his

persons. The power of attorney shall be signed by the

behalf at any general meeting or class general

respective proxies appointed by the Recognized

meeting; however, where several persons are thus

Clearing House. The persons thus authorized may

authorized, the power of attorney shall specify the

attend the meetings and exercise rights on behalf of

numbers and classes of shares involved by the said

the Recognized Clearing House as if the said persons

persons. The power of attorney shall be signed by the

were the natural person shareholders of the Company.

respective proxies appointed by the Recognized

Clearing House. The persons thus authorized may

attend the meetings and exercise rights on behalf of

the Recognized Clearing House as if the said persons

were the natural person shareholders of the Company.

- I-8 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

(Adding Article 72)

Article 72 An independent director has the right to

propose to the board of directors to convene an

extraordinary general meeting. The board of directors

shall, in accordance with the laws, administrative

regulations and the provisions of these Articles of

Association, within 10 days of receiving the proposal,

submit written reply on its consent or disagreement to

the convening an extraordinary general meeting.

If the board of directors agrees to convene an

extraordinary general meeting, it shall issue a notice

of meeting within 5 days after the decision of the

board of directors is made. If the board of directors

does not approve the convening of an extraordinary

general meeting, it shall explain the reasons and make

a public announcement.

(Adding Article 73)

Article 73 The board of supervisors has the right to

propose to the board of directors to convene an

extraordinary general meeting in writing. The board

of directors shall, in accordance with the laws,

administrative regulations and the provisions of the

Articles of Association, submit, within 10 days of

receiving the proposal, written reply on his/her

consent or disagreement to the convening an

extraordinary general meeting.

If the board of directors agrees to convene an

extraordinary general meeting, it shall issue a meeting

notice within 5 days after the decision of the board of

directors is made, which shall obtain the consent of

the board of supervisors for the change(s) to the

original proposal(s).

If the board of directors disagrees to convene an

extraordinary general meeting or has not given a

reply within 10 days of receiving the proposal, it is

deemed that the board of directors is unable to

perform or has not performed its duty of convening

an extraordinary general meeting, and the board of

supervisors shall then convene and preside over such

general meeting. For a general meeting convened by

the board of supervisors, all necessary expenses of

the meeting shall be borne by the Company.

- I-9 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 74 Shareholders who request the

Article 74 Shareholders who request the convening of

convening of an extraordinary shareholders'

an extraordinary shareholders' meeting or class

meeting or class meeting shall do so

meeting shall do so according to the following

according to the following procedures:








The shareholder(s) individually or jointly

jointly holding more than 10% of the

holding more than 10% of the Company's total





voting shares (inclusive) may sign one or

(inclusive) may sign one or several

several written requests with the same format

written requests with the same format

and content to propose to the board of directors

and content to propose to the board of

to convene an extraordinary general meeting or

directors to convene an extraordinary

class general meeting, and specify the subjects

general meeting or class general

of the meeting. The board of directors shall

meeting, and specify the subjects of

submit a written reply on the consent or

the meeting. The board of directors

disagreement toconvene an extraordinary or






class general meeting responsivelywithin 10





daysafter receipt of the aforesaid written

after receipt of the aforesaid written

request. The aforesaid amount of shareholding

request. The aforesaid amount of

is calculated as on the day when the

shareholding is calculated as on the

shareholders make the written request. (MP72)

day when the shareholders make the

written request. (MP72)


If the board of directors agrees to convene the

extraordinary shareholders' meeting or class


If the board of directors agrees to

meeting, it will issue a notice of shareholders'





meeting or class meeting within 5 days of the

meeting or class meeting, it will issue a

decision of the board of directors. If there are

notice of shareholders' meeting or class

changes to the original request in the notice,

meeting within 5 days of the decision of

they should be agreed by the relevant

the board of directors. If there are


changes to the original request in the

notice, they should be agreed by the


If the board of directors does not agree to

relevant shareholders.

convene the



meeting, or does not reply within 10 days of


If the


of directors



receipt of the suggestion, shareholders

agree to convene the extraordinary

individually or together holding more than 10%

shareholders' meeting, or does not

of the shares of the Company are authorized to

reply within 10 days of receipt of the

request to the board of supervisors to hold an






meeting, and

or together holding more than 10% of

should be presented to the board of supervisors

the shares of the Company are

in writing.

authorized to request to the board of

supervisors to hold an extraordinary

shareholders' meeting, and should be

presented to the board of supervisors

in writing.

- I-10 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

(IV) If the board of supervisors agrees to convene

(IV) If the board of supervisors agrees to convene

the extraordinary shareholders' meeting, it shall

the extraordinary shareholders' meeting, it shall

issue a notice of shareholders' meeting within

issue a notice of shareholders' meeting within

5 days of the decision of the board of

5 days of the decision of the board of

supervisors. If there are changes to the original

supervisors. If there are changes to the original

request in the notice, they should be agreed by

request in the notice, they should be agreed by

the relevant shareholders. If the board of

the relevant shareholders. If the board of

supervisors does not issue the notice of

supervisors does not issue the notice of

shareholders' meeting within the prescribed

shareholders' meeting within the prescribed

period, this is treated as the board of

period, this is treated as the board of

supervisors not convening and not holding the

supervisors not convening and not holding the

shareholders' meeting. Then shareholders who

shareholders' meeting. Then shareholders who

individually or together hold more than 10% of

individually or together hold more than 10% of

the shares for more than 90 consecutive days

the shares for more than 90 consecutive days

can convene and hold the meeting by

can convene and hold the meeting by


themselves., the procedure for covering such

meeting shall, to the extent possible, be the

Where the shareholders convene and preside over a

same as the procedure for convening a general

meeting because the board of directors fails to

meeting by the board of directors.

convene the meeting pursuant to the aforesaid

request, the reasonable expenses incurred shall be

Where the shareholders convene and preside over a

borne by the Company and shall be deducted from

meeting because the board of directors and the board

the monies payable by the Company to the defaulting

of supervisorsfailsto convene the meeting pursuant


to the aforesaid request, the reasonable expenses

incurred shall be borne by the Company and shall be

deducted from the monies payable by the Company to

the defaulting directors.

- I-11 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 75 Shareholder(s) individually or jointly

Article 75 When the Company convenes a

holding more than 3% of the Company's shares may

shareholders' meeting, the board of directors, the

submit a written provisional motion to the convener

board of supervisors and shareholder(s) individually

10 days before a general meeting is convened; the

or jointly holding more than 3% of the Company's

board of directors shall issue a supplementary notice

shares shall be entitled to propose motions to the

within two days after receipt of the said provisional


motion notifying other shareholders, and submit the

said provisional proposal to the general meeting for

Shareholder(s) individually or jointly holding more

consideration. The content of the provisional motion

than 3% of the Company's shares may submit a

shall be within the scope of business of the general

written supplementary motion(s) to the convener of

meeting, have definite subjects and specific issues for

the board of directors 10 business days before a


shareholders' meeting is convened; the convenershall

issue a supplementary notice within two days after

Unless otherwise provided in the preceding

receipt of the said provisional motion notifying other

paragraph, the convenor may not amend the proposals

shareholders, and submit the said provisional proposal

set out in the notice of shareholders' general meeting,

to the general meeting for consideration. The content

or add new proposals after issuing an announcement

of the provisional motion shall be within the scope of

on the notice of shareholders' general meeting.

business of the shareholders' meeting, have definite

subjects and specific issues for resolution.shall issue

a supplementary notice of the general meeting

announcing the contents of the supplementary

motion(s) within two days after receipt of the said


Unless otherwise provided in the preceding

paragraph, the convenor may not amend the proposals

set out in the notice of shareholders' general meeting,

or add new proposals after issuing an announcement

on the notice of shareholders' general meeting.

The motion(s) that has/have not been set out in the

notice of the shareholders' meeting or that is/are not

in compliance with Article 76 shall not be voted or

resolved on at the general meeting.

- I-12 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

(Adding Article 76)

Article 76 Provisional motions of the shareholders'

meeting shall meet the following conditions:


The content shall comply with the laws,

administrative regulations, the Articles of

Association and the related regulations and

requirements of relevant stock exchanges or

regulatory authorities at the place where the

shares are listed, and shall fall within the

authority of the general meeting;

(II) It shall have a clear topic and specific

resolution for consideration;

(III) It shall be submitted or served to the convener

in written form.

Article 77 Shareholders (including proxies thereof)

Article 77Article 78Shareholders (including proxies

who vote at a general meeting shall exercise their

thereof) who vote at a general meeting shall exercise

voting rights as per the number of voting shares they

their voting rights as per the number of voting shares

represent. Each share carries the right to one vote.

they represent. Each share carries the right to one


vote. (MP65)

The Company has no voting right for the shares it

When material issues affecting the interests of small

holds, and such shares shall be excluded from the

and medium-sized investors are being considered by

total number of voting shares represented by the

the A share shareholders at the shareholders' meeting,

shareholders attending the general meeting.

the votes by small and medium-sized investors shall

be counted separately. The separate voting results

Pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations or the

shall be disclosed publicly in a timely manner.

Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange and the Listing

Rules of SSE, whereas any shareholder is required to

The Company has no voting right for the shares it

abstain from voting on any particular resolution or

holds, and such shares shall be excluded from the

restricted to voting only for or against any particular

total number of voting shares represented by the

resolution, any vote cast by or on behalf of such

shareholders attending the general meeting.

shareholder in contravention of such requirement or

restriction shall not be counted.

- I-13 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

The board of directors of the Company, independent

directors and shareholders who met the relevant

requirements and conditions may collect voting rights

from the shareholders publicly. While collecting votes

from the shareholders, sufficient information such as

specific voting preference shall be disclosed to the

persons whose voting rights are being collected, and

may only use for such purpose previously published

information which remains accurate and is not

misleading at the time it is quoted. No consideration

or other form of de facto consideration shall be

offered, and no shareholders shall not be put under

pressure in collecting the voting rights from the

shareholders. The Company shall not impose any

restriction on minimum shareholdings in collecting

the voting rights. If the Company is soliciting the

votes from the shareholders, they shall be encouraged

to consult their professional advisers.

Pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations or the

Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange and the Listing

Rules of SSE, whereas any shareholder is required to

abstain from voting on any particular resolution or

restricted to voting only for or against any particular

resolution, any vote cast by or on behalf of such

shareholder in contravention of such requirement or

restriction shall not be counted.

- I-14 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 83 For election of directors, if there are more

Article 83 For election of directors, if there are more

than two candidates, each share held by the

than two candidates, each share held by the

shareholder (including the proxy thereof) has the

shareholder (including the proxy thereof) has the

same voting rights corresponding to the number of

same voting rights corresponding to the number of

candidates for directors. Shareholders may cast their

candidates for directors. Shareholders may cast their

votes on different candidates or cast all votes on one

votes on different candidates or cast all votes on one

candidate; however, explanations on the distribution

candidate; however, explanations on the distribution

of the voting rights shall be provided.

of the voting rights shall be provided.

Article 84 The list of candidate of directors and

supervisors shall be submitted to the shareholders'

meeting as a proposal for voting. The method and

procedures for nomination of directors and

supervisors are as follows:


The board of directors and shareholder(s)

holding or jointly holding more than 3% of the

Company's shares shall nominate candidate(s)

for director(s);


The board of directors, the board of supervisors

and shareholder(s) independently or jointly

holding more than 1% of the Company's shares

shall nominate candidate(s) for independent



The board of supervisors and shareholder(s)

holding or jointly holding more than 3% of the

Company's shares shall nominate candidate(s)

for supervisor(s) who is/are not employees'





representing employees in

the board of supervisors shall be elected from






representative(s); and


When the shareholders nominate director(s),

independent director(s) or supervisor(s), the

nomination proposal, details of the nominated

candidates, declaration or undertaking of the

candidate shall be submitted to the board of

directors 10 business days before


the general meeting.

- I-15 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

The board of directors shall issue an announcement or

a circular on the biography and basic information of

the candidate for director(s) and supervisor(s) to the

shareholders, and the notice period for the

announcement and circular shall comply with the

regulations and requirements of the relevant stock

exchanges or regulatory authorities at the place where

the shares of the Company are listed.

When voting on the election of director(s) and

supervisor(s) at the shareholders' meeting, the

cumulative voting system may be used in accordance

with the requirements of the regulatory authorities of

the place where the shares are listed, provisions of

the Articles of Association or the resolutions at the

general meeting. Under the cumulative voting system,

the election of independent directors shall be

conducted separately from that of other members of

the board of directors. When electing two or more

directors or supervisors, the cumulative voting system

shall be implemented. Where the cumulative voting

system is implemented in electing directors, the

voting of the independent directors shall be conducted

separately form that of the non-independent directors.

Cumulative voting mentioned in the preceding

paragraph means that when directors or supervisors

are being elected at a shareholders' meeting, each

share has the same voting rights as the number of

candidates for directors or supervisors, and the

shareholders' voting rights may be used in a

centralized manner.

Save as those under the cumulative voting system, the

shareholders' meeting shall resolve on all the

proposals separately; in the event of several proposals

for the same issue, such proposals shall be voted on

and resolved in the order of time at which they are

submitted. Unless the shareholders' meeting is

adjourned or no resolution can be made for special

reasons such as force majeure, voting of such

proposals shall neither be shelved nor refused at the

shareholders' meeting.

- I-16 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 85 Resolutions of a general meeting shall be

Article 85Article 86Resolutions of a shareholders'

divided into ordinary resolutions and special

meeting shall be divided into ordinary resolutions and

resolutions. (MP64)

special resolutions. (MP64)

Ordinary resolutions shall be approved by votes

Ordinary resolutions shall be approved by votes

representing more than half of voting rights held by

representing more than half of voting rights held by

shareholders (including proxies thereof) present at the

shareholders (including proxies thereof) present at the

general meeting.

general meeting.

Special resolutions shall be adopted by shareholders

Special resolutions shall be adopted by shareholders

representing 2/3 or more of the voting rights of the

representing 2/3 or more of the voting rights of the

shareholders (including proxies thereof) in presence.

shareholders (including proxies thereof) in presence.

Shareholders (including proxies thereof) present at the

shareholders' meeting shall present one of the

following comments for each issue that needs to be

voted on: for, against or abstain. Securities

registration and clearing institutions as the nominal

holding of the Stock Connect Programme between

Mainland and Hong Kong shall follow the intention

of the beneficial holders of the shares on voting.

Incomplete, wrongly filled, illegible or uncast votes

shall be deemed as the voters' waiver of their voting

rights, and the voting results representing the shares

held by such voters shall be counted as "abstentions".

The Company shall, on the premise of ensuring the

lawfulness and validity of the shareholders' meeting,

provide convenience to shareholders in attending the

general meeting through various methods and

channels, with priority given to the provision of

modern information technology measures such as

online voting platform.

The same voting rights shall be exercised with only

one of the voting methods, namely on-site, online or

other voting methods. The first voting result is

considered as valid in case of multiple voting of the

same voting rights.

- I-17 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 102 Where the Company convenes a class

Article 102Article 103Where the Company

meeting, a written notice shall be given 45 days prior

convenes a class meeting, an announcement shall be

to the date of the meeting to notify all the

given 45 days prior to the date of the meetingor an

shareholders of the said class in the shareholders'

announcement shall be published at least 20 business

register of the matters to be considered at the

days before the date of the annual general meeting

meeting, and the date and venue of the meeting. Any

and at least 15 business days before the date of the

shareholder intending to attend the meeting shall

extraordinary general meetingto notify all the

serve to the Company a written reply showing his

shareholders of the said class in the shareholders'

intention to attend at least 20 days before the date of

register of the matters to be considered at the

the meeting. The calculation of the abovementioned

meeting, and the date and venue of the meeting. Any

period shall not include the date on which the

shareholder intending to attend the meeting shall

meeting is convened.

serve to the Company a written reply showing his

intention to attend at least 20 days before the date of

The quorum required by class meeting (adjourned

the meeting.The calculation of the abovementioned

meeting excluded) convened for the purpose of any

period shall not include the date of publishing the

class equity right must be at least one-third of the

announcementand that of the meeting is convened.

holders of issued shares of such class.

The quorum required by class meeting (adjourned

Where the number of voting shares represented by

meeting excluded) convened for the purpose of any

shareholders intending to attend the meeting amounts

class equity right must be at least one-third of the

to more than one half of the total number of voting

holders of issued shares of such class.

shares of that class, the Company may convene the

class meeting; if not, the Company shall within five

Where the number of voting shares represented by

days notify shareholders again of the matters to be

shareholders intending to attend the meeting amounts

considered, the date and venue of the meeting in the

to more than one half of the total number of voting

form of public announcement. The Company may

shares of that class, the Company may convene the

then convene the class meeting after such

class meeting; if not, the Company shall within five

announcement. (MP83)

days notify shareholders again of the matters to be

considered, the date and venue of the meeting in the

form of public announcement. The Company may

then convene the class meeting after such

announcement. (MP83)

- I-18 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Article 106 Directors shall be elected at general

Article 106Article 107Directors shall be elected at

meetings for a term of three years, which is

general meetings for a term of three years, which is

renewable upon re-election. The re-election term of

renewable upon re-election. The re-election term of

independent directors shall not exceed six years.

independent directors shall not exceed six years.



Independent directors shall be elected by the general

Independent directors shall be elected by the general

meeting from candidates nominated by the board of

meeting from candidates nominated by the board of

directors, the board of supervisors or one or more

directors, the board of supervisors or one or more

shareholders holding 1% or more of the issued shares

shareholders holding 1% or more of the issued shares

of the Company, and other directors shall be elected

of the Company, and other directors shall be elected

by the general meeting from candidates nominated by

by the general meeting from candidates nominated by

the board of directors or one or more shareholders

the board of directors or one or more shareholders

holding 5% or more of the issued shares of the

holding 5% or more of the issued shares of the



A notice of the intention to nominate a person as

A notice of the intention to nominate a person as

director and a notice by that person indicating his

director and a notice by that person indicating his

acceptance of such nomination shall be given to the

acceptance of such nomination shall be given to the

Company at least seven days before convening of the

Company at least seven days before convening of the

general meeting (the deadline for giving the said

general meeting (the deadline for giving the said

notice shall be calculated from the second day after

notice shall be calculated from the second day after

the Company issues the notice of election meeting

the Company issues the notice of election meeting

and shall not be later than seven days before

and shall not be later than seven days before

convening of the meeting).

convening of the meeting).

The term of office of a director shall commence from

The term of office of a director shall commence from

the date of appointment until the expiry of the current

the date of appointment until the expiry of the current

session of the board of directors. If the term of office

session of the board of directors. If the term of office

of a director expires but re-election is not made, the

of a director expires but re-election is not made, the

existing director shall continue to perform their duties

existing director shall continue to perform their duties

in accordance with the laws, administrative

in accordance with the laws, administrative

regulations, departmental rules and the provisions of

regulations, departmental rules and the provisions of

the Articles of Association until a new director is

the Articles of Association until a new director is

elected and assumes office.

elected and assumes office.

- I-19 -


Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Prior to the maturity of his term, a director shall not

Prior to the maturity of his term, a director shall not

be removed without reason from his office by a

be removed without reason from his office by a

general meeting. Subject to all relevant laws and

general meeting. Subject to all relevant laws and

administrative regulations and without prejudice to

administrative regulations and without prejudice to

any potential claim which may be made under any

any potential claim which may be made under any

contract, the shareholders' general meeting may by

contract, the shareholders' general meeting may by

ordinary resolution remove any director before the

ordinary resolution remove any director before the

expiration of his term of office.

expiration of his term of office.

If a director fails to attend meeting of the board of

If a director fails to attend meeting of the board of

directors in person and fails to appoint any other

directors in person and fails to appoint any other

director to attend on his behalf for two consecutive

director to attend on his behalf for two consecutive

times, he shall be deemed to be unable to perform his

times, he shall be deemed to be unable to perform his

duties, and the board of directors shall propose to the

duties, and the board of directors shall propose to the

general meeting for replacement.

general meeting for replacement.

A director may resign prior to the expiry of his term

A director may resign prior to the expiry of his term

of service. When a director intends to resign, he shall

of service. When a director intends to resign, he shall

submit a written resignation to the board of directors.

submit a written resignation to the board of directors.

The independent directors shall explain their

The independent directors shall explain their

resignation or the situations that may cause the

resignation or the situations that may cause the

attention of the Company's shareholders and creditors

attention of the Company's shareholders and creditors

at their discretion. Where the resignation of a director

at their discretion. Where the resignation of a director

results in the number of directors falls below the

results in the number of directors falls below the

minimum number prescribed in the regulations of the

minimum number prescribed in the regulations of the

Company Law or two-thirds of the number as

Company Law or two-thirds of the number as

prescribed in the Articles of Association, or the

prescribed in the Articles of Association, or the

independent directors fall below the number as

independent directors fall below the number as

prescribed in the Articles of Association, the

prescribed in the Articles of Association, the

resignation of such director shall come into effect

resignation of such director shall come into effect

only upon filling the vacancy by the succeeding

only upon filling the vacancy by the succeeding

director. Where the board of directors fails to convene

director. Where the board of directors fails to convene

a general meeting for the purpose of re-election

a general meeting for the purpose of re-election

within two months after resignation of an independent

within two months after resignation of an independent

director, such independent director shall not have

director, such independent director shall not have

further obligation to perform his duties.

further obligation to perform his duties.

Without violation of relevant laws and regulations

Without violation of relevant laws and regulations

and the regulatory rules of the place where the

and the regulatory rules of the place where the

Company is listed, any director appointed to fill a

Company is listed, any director appointed to fill a

casual vacancy or as an addition to the board of

casual vacancy or as an addition to the board of

directors should hold office only until the next

directors should hold office only until the next

following annual general meeting of the Company

following annual general meeting of the Company

and should then be eligible for re-election at the

and should then be eligible for re-election at the



- I-20 -



Original Articles

Proposed Amendments

Except under the aforesaid circumstances, the

Except under the aforesaid circumstances, the

resignation of a director shall become effective when

resignation of a director shall become effective when

the report of resignation is served on the board of

the report of resignation is served on the board of



The chairman shall be elected and removed by more

The chairman shall be elected and removed by more

than half of all the directors, shall serve a term of

than half of all the directors, shall serve a term of

three years and is eligible for re-election.

three years and is eligible for re-election.

Article 118 Meetings of the board of directors shall

Article 118Article 119 Regular meetings of the

be held at least twice a year and shall be convened

board of directors shall be held at leasttwicefour

by the chairman. Notice of the regular meeting of the

times a year at approximately quarterly intervalsand

board of directors shall be given at least 14 days in

shall be convened by the chairman. Notice of the

advance. (MP91)

regular meeting of the board of directors shall be

given at least 14 days in advance. It is expected that

An extraordinary meeting of the board of directors

each regular meeting of the board of directors shall

may be held within five days after receipt of the

have a majority of directors who are entitled to attend

proposal, if it is:

the meeting attending in person, or participate

actively through electronic communication methods.

  1. Proposed by shareholders representing more (MP91) than 10% of the voting rights;

An extraordinary meeting of the board of directors


Jointly proposed by more than one-third of the


be held within five days after receipt of the


proposal, if it is:


Deemed necessary by the chairman of the


Proposed by shareholders representing more

board of directors;

than 10% of the voting rights;


Jointly proposed by more than two independent


Jointly proposed by more than one-third of the




Proposed by the board of supervisors;


Deemed necessary by the chairman of the

board of directors;


Proposed by the general manager.


Jointly proposed by more than two independent



Proposed by the board of supervisors;


Proposed by the general manager.

A reasonable notice shall be given when the board of

directors convenes other meetings of the board of


The provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company shall remain unchanged except for the change of serial numbers due to the increase or decrease of the above articles.

- I-21 -


The English version of this appendix is an unofficial translation of its Chinese version. In case of any discrepancies, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Rules of Procedures for General Meetings of Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1

To regulate the behavior of Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. ("the Company") and ensure that the general meeting can exercise its functions and powers according to law, these Rules are formulated in accordance with Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Company Law), Securities Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Securities Law), Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter referred to as Hong Kong Listing Rules), Listing Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Listing Rules of SSE), Rules of general meeting of shareholders of listed companies (2014 second revision)and other relevant laws, administrative regulations and normative documents and Articles of Association of Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Articles of Association").

Article 2

The Company shall convene general meetings in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the laws, administrative regulations and the Articles of Association, and shall ensure that shareholders can exercise their rights according to law.

The Board shall by due diligence perform its duties, and shall organize general meetings in a serious and timely manner. All the directors of the Company shall be diligent and responsible to ensure the normal convening of a general meeting and its lawful exercise of functions and powers.

Article 3

The general meeting shall exercise its functions and powers within the scope specified by the Company Law and the Articles of Association.

The functions and powers of the shareholders' general meeting specified in the articles of association shall not be granted to the board of directors or to any other institution or individual. The shareholders' general meeting may, in the form of a resolution, be granted to the board of directors on behalf of the board of directors, in addition to the specific functions and powers specified in the articles of association of the company.

- II-1 -


Article 4

General meetings are classified into annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings. Annual general meetings shall be convened once a year within six months after the end of the preceding fiscal year.

Extraordinary general meetings shall be convened irregularly. In any of the following circumstances, the Company shall convene an extraordinary general meeting within two months from the date upon which the circumstance occurs:

  1. The number of directors falls short of the quorum stipulated in the Company Law or is less than two thirds of the number specified in the Articles of Association;
  1. The unrecovered losses of the Company amount to one third of the total amount of its share capital;
  1. Shareholder(s) holding more than 10% (inclusive) of the Company's issued and outstanding shares carrying voting rights request(s) in writing the convening of an extraordinary general meeting;

(IV) The Board deems necessary;

(V) The Supervisory Committee proposes to convene such meeting;

(VI) More than 1/2 of the independent directors propose to convene such meeting;

(VII) Other circumstances stipulated by laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, the Articles of Association, Hong Kong Listing Rules or Listing Rules of SSE occur.

The calculation of the proportion of the shares in the preceding paragraph (three) shall be calculated as the date on which the shareholder(s) submit(s) a written request.

Companies cannot be convened the general meeting of shareholders within the time mentioned above, which shall be reported to the local China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)) dispatched institutions and securities exchange, and the company should give the reasons and make an announcement in respect thereof.

Article 5

In convening a general meeting, the Company shall engage a lawyer to provide legal opinions and publish an announcement on the following issues:

  1. Whether the convening and convening procedure of the meeting comply with laws, administrative regulations and the Articles of Association;

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(II) Whether the attendees and convener of the meeting are eligible;

  1. Whether the voting procedures and results of the meeting are lawful and valid;
    (IV) Legal opinions on other relevant matters upon request by the Company.

Chapter 2 Convening of General Meetings

Article 6

The board of directors shall convene the general meeting of shareholders on time in accordance with the relevant requirements of the articles of association, Hong Kong Listing Rules and Listing Rules of SSE.

Article 7

An extraordinary general meeting may be convened upon proposal by independent directors to the Board. Regarding the proposal of the independent directors to convene an extraordinary general meeting, the Board shall, pursuant to laws, administrative regulations and the Articles of Association, give a written reply on whether or not to convene the extraordinary general meeting within 10 days after receipt of the proposal.

Where the Board agrees to convene the extraordinary general meeting, it shall serve a notice of such meeting within five days after the resolution is made by the Board. Where the Board does not agree to convene the extraordinary general meeting as proposed by the independent directors, it shall give the reasons and make an announcement in respect thereof.

Article 8

The Supervisory Committee shall be entitled to propose to the Board to convene an extraordinary general meeting, and shall put forward its proposal to the Board in writing. The Board shall, pursuant to laws, administrative regulations and the Articles of Association, give a written reply on whether or not to convene the extraordinary general meeting within 10 days after receipt of the proposal.

Where the Board agrees to convene the extraordinary general meeting, it shall serve a notice of such meeting within five days after the resolution is made by the Board. Any change to the original proposal set forth in the notice shall be subject to approval by the Supervisory Committee.

If the Board does not agree to convene the extraordinary general meeting or fails to give a written reply within 10 days after receipt of the proposal, the Board shall be deemed as unable to or failing to perform the duty of convening the general meeting, and the Supervisory Committee may convene and preside over the meeting by itself.

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Article 9

An extraordinary general meeting may be convened upon request by two or more shareholders severally or jointly holding more than 10% shares of the Company to the Board, and such request shall be put forward to the Board in writing. The Board shall, pursuant to laws, administrative regulations and the Articles of Association, give a written reply on whether or not to convene the extraordinary general meeting within 10 days after receipt of the request.

Where the Board agrees to convene the extraordinary general meeting, it shall serve a notice of such meeting within five days after the resolution is made by the Board. Any change to the original request set forth in the notice shall be subject to approval by the relevant shareholders.

If the Board does not agree to convene the extraordinary general meeting or fails to give a reply within 10 days after receipt of the request, shareholders severally or jointly holding more than 10% shares of the Company shall be entitled to propose to the Supervisory Committee to convene an extraordinary general meeting, and shall put forward such request to the Supervisory Committee in writing.

If the Supervisory Committee agrees to convene the extraordinary general meeting, it shall serve a notice of such meeting within five days after receipt of such request. Any change to the original proposal set forth in the notice shall be approved by the relevant shareholders.

In case of failure to issue the notice of the general meeting within the term stipulated, the Supervisory Committee shall be deemed as failing to convene and preside over the general meeting. As a result of its failure to do so for more than 90 consecutive days, shareholder(s) severally or jointly holding more than 10% shares of the Company may convene and preside over such meeting by himself/themselves.

Article 10

Where the Supervisory Committee or shareholder(s) decide(s) to convene a general meeting by itself/themselves, it/they shall notify the Board in writing and it/they shall also issue the resolution of the general meeting and file with the authority appointed by CSRC at the location of the Company and the Stock Exchange at the same time.

Before the resolution of the shareholders' meeting, the shareholders' shareholding ratio shall not be less than 10%. When the board of supervisors and the convening of the shareholders decide to send a notice of the general meeting of shareholders and the announcement of the resolution of the shareholders' general meeting, they shall also submit the relevant certification materials to the CSRC dispatched institutions and the local stock exchange at the same time.

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Article 11

With regard to the general meeting convened by the Supervisory Committee or shareholders on its/their own initiative, the Board and its secretary or the secretary of the company shall offer cooperation. The Board shall provide a shareholders' register as of the equity registration date. Where the Board fails to provide the shareholders' register, the convener may apply to the securities registration and clearing authority to obtain it upon presentation of the announcement relating to the notice of the general meeting. The shareholders' register obtained by the convener shall not be used for other purposes except for the general meeting.

Article 12

Where the Supervisory Committee or shareholder(s) convene(s) the general meeting, the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Company.

Chapter 3 Proposals and Notice of General Meetings

Article 13

The content of a proposal shall be determined by the general meeting, shall have definite topics and specific issues for resolution, and shall comply with the relevant provisions of laws, administrative regulations and the Articles of Association.

Article 14

Where the Company convenes a general meeting, the Board, Supervisory Committee, and shareholder(s) severally or jointly holding more than 3% shares of the Company may make proposals to the Company in written form. Matters within the scope of authority of the shareholders' meeting of the proposal shall be included in the agenda of the meeting.

Shareholder(s) severally or jointly holding more than 3% shares of the Company may submit written provisional proposals to the convener 10 days before a general meeting is convened. The convener shall serve a supplementary notice of general meeting within two days after receipt of the proposal and announce the content of the provisional proposal.

Save as specified in the preceding paragraph, the convener shall not change the proposal set out in the notice of the general meeting or add any new proposal after the said notice is served.

Proposals not set out in the notice of general meeting or not complying with the preceding article of these Rules shall not be voted on or resolved at the general meeting.

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Article 15

Where the Company convenes a general meeting, a written notice shall be given 45 days prior to the date of the meeting to notify all the shareholders in the shareholders' register of the matters to be considered at the meeting, and the date and venue of the meeting. Any shareholder intending to attend the general meeting shall deliver to the Company a written reply showing his intention to attend 20 days before the meeting.

When the Company convenes a general meeting, the convener shall notify the Shareholders by way of announcement at least 20 clear business days before the date of the annual general meeting, and for an extraordinary general meeting, the Shareholders shall be notified by way of announcement at least 15 clear business days before the date of the meeting.

The duration of the aforesaid notice of the general meeting shall not include the date on which then announcement is published andmeeting is convened. The business day mentioned in the Rules shall mean the date on which the Hong Kong Stock Exchange opens for securities trading.

Article 16

The Company shall, based on the written replies received 20 days prior to the date of the general meeting, calculate the number of voting shares held by shareholders intending to attend the meeting. Where the number of voting shares represented by shareholders intending to attend the meeting amounts to more than one half of the Company's voting shares, the Company may convene the general meeting; if not, the Company shall, within five days, notify shareholders again of the matters to be considered, venue, date and time of the meeting in the form of public announcements. The Company may then convene the general meeting after such announcements.

Extraordinary shareholders' general meeting cannot decide the matters have not been specified in the notice.

Article 17Article 16

Notice and supplementary notice of the general meeting of shareholders shall fully and completely disclose the specific content of all the proposals, and all the information or explanations required to make reasonable judgments on the matters to be discussed. The independent directors need to pass comment on the matters to be discussed, so the opinions of the independent directors should also be disclosed at the same time when the shareholders' general meeting notice or supplementary notice be issued.

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Article 18Article 17

If the election of directors or supervisors is proposed to be discussed at a general meeting, the notice of such meeting shall adequately disclose the detailed information of the director or supervisor candidates in accord with Hong Kong Listing Rules and Listing Rules of SSE, which information shall at least include:

  1. Personal particulars, including educational background, work experiences, and concurrent positions;
  1. Whether one has any related connection with the listed company, its controlling shareholders and effective controllers;

(III) The amount of shares of the company one holds;

(IV) Whether one has been punished by CSRC or any other relevant department or reprimanded by the stock exchange.

Unless a director or supervisor is elected via the cumulative voting system, each candidate for director or supervisor shall be proposed via a single proposal.

Article 19Article 18

The notice of general meeting shall:

  1. Be made in writing;

(II) Specify the venue, date and time of the meeting;

(III) State matters and proposals to be discussed at the meeting;

(IV) Provide the shareholders with such information and explanation as necessary for them to make informed decisions in connection with the matters to be discussed; this principle includes (but is not limited to) where a proposal is made to merge the company, to repurchase shares of the company, to reorganize its share capital or to make any other reorganization of the company, and detailed conditions of the proposed transaction shall be provided together with contracts (if any) and the cause and effect of any such proposal shall also be properly explained;

  1. Disclose the nature and extent of the interest where any director, supervisor, president or other senior executive have a material interest in the proposed matters to be discussed; describe the difference where the impact of the matters to be discussed on such director, supervisor, president or senior executive in their capacity as shareholders is different from the impact on other shareholders of the same class;

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(VI) Contain the full text of any special resolution proposed to be passed at the meeting;

(VII) Contain a clear statement that a shareholder entitled to attend and vote at such meeting is entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend and vote at such meeting on his behalf and that such proxy need not be a shareholder;

(VIII) Specify the time and venue for serving the power of attorney for the voting proxy for the meeting;

(IX) Specify the equity registration date of shareholders entitled to attend the general meeting;

(X) Specify the name and telephone number of the coordinator of the meeting;

(XI) And other content of disclosure of Hong Kong Listing Rules and Listing Rules of SSE.

The interval between the equity registration date and the date of meeting may not be more than seven workdays except as otherwise required by the relevant stock exchange or regulatory authority where the shares are listed. Once the equity registration date has been confirmed, which cannot be changed anymore.

Article 20Article 19

The notice of a general meeting shall be delivered in any permitted way of the Stock Exchange that company listed on (including, but not limited to post, e-mail, bulletin, published on the website of the company or the relevant stock exchange websites, etc.) to shareholders (whether or not they are entitled to vote at the general meeting) delivery to their addresses as shown in the shareholders' register. For domestic shareholders (A shareholders after A share listed), notices of general meetings may be issued by announcement.

The announcement referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be published in one or more newspapers designated by the regulatory securities authority under the State Council within 45 days or 50 days before the meeting convened. Once the announcement has been published, all holders of domestic listed shares shall be deemed to have received the notice of relevant general meeting. For H shareholders, announcement shall be published based on the Hong Kong Listing Rules.

Article 21Article 20

After the notice of general meeting is issued, the same meeting shall not be postponed or cancelled without proper reasons.

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In the case of any postponement or cancellation of the meeting, the convener shall make an announcement and give the reasons therefor at least two workdays prior to the date on which the meeting is originally scheduled.

Article 22

After the notice of general meeting is issued, the proposals set out in the notice shall not be cancelled without proper reasons. In the case of cancellation, the convener shall make an announcement and give the reasons therefor at least two workdays prior to the date on which the meeting is originally scheduled.

Chapter 4 Convening of General Meetings

Article 23

Before the Company convenes the Genera meetings, a date for equity determined (the equity registration date) shall be decided by the board of directors. When the equity registration date ends, those shareholders who are registered are the shareholders of the company.

The registration of shareholders is not allowed to change 30 days before the meeting convened because of equity transfer.

Article 24Article 21

When the Company issues notice of shareholders' general meeting in the manner required by the relevant stock exchanges or regulatory authorities of the place where the shares are listed,People who have rights to be notified but have not received or been notified a notice of the meeting by accident, the meeting and the decision will not be invalid because of this.

Article 25Article 22

The place where the Company convenes a general meeting shall be the domicile of the Company or the site which the convener of a general meeting determined in the notice of the general meeting in accordance with the principle of facilitating the Shareholders' participation in the general meeting.

The general meeting shall set a venue and be held in the form of on-site meeting, and it shall be also in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission or the articles of association, and the company will provide a convenience for the shareholders to participate in the general meeting under a safe, economy, convenient internet network and other ways. Shareholders who attend the general meeting in the manner mentioned above, which will be seen as attended.

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Article 23

When the general meeting of the Company use the internet or other methods, the voting time and the voting procedure of the internet or other methods should be stated clearly in the notice of the general meeting.

The opening time for voting at a general meeting held by way of Internet or other means shall not be earlier than 3:00 p.m. on the day before the on-site general meeting, and shall not be later than 9:30 a.m. on the day of the on-site general meeting, and the closing time shall not be earlier than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the closing of the on-site general meeting.

Article 26Article 24

The board of directors and the other conveners shall take necessary measures to ensure the normal order of the general meeting. The company will take measures to prevent the interference of the general meeting, affray and violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the shareholders and report the situation(s) to the relevant departments to investigate immediately.

Article 27Article 25

The shareholders may attend general meetings and exercise the voting rights by themselves, or they can also entrust a proxy to attend the meetings and exercise the voting rights within their authorization.

All shareholders in the shareholders' register on the equity registration date or proxies thereof shall be entitled to attend general meetings, the company and the conveners cannot refuse them under any reasons.

Article 28Article 26

Shareholders attending the general meeting shall present their share account cards, identity card or other identity certificate; Proxies attending the general meeting on behalf of an individual shareholder shall also present his/her identity card and the power of attorney of the shareholder.

Article 29Article 27

Attendees register shall be prepared by the Company, which register shall state the names (or names of the corporations), identification card number and the number of voting shares held or represented, names of the principal (or names of the corporations) and so on.

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Article 30Article 28

All directors, supervisors and the Secretary of the Board or the company shall attend general meetings of the Company, and other senior executives shall be present at the meetings without voting rights.

Article 31Article 29

Where a general meeting is convened by the Board, the chairman of the Board shall preside the meeting. If the chairman is unable or fails to perform his duties, the deputy chairman shall convene and preside the meeting. In the event that the deputy chairman is unable or fails to perform his duties, a director shall be elected by a simple majority of directors to preside the meeting.

Article 32Article 30

A general meeting convened by the Supervisory Committee itself shall be presided over by the chairman of the Supervisory Committee. If the chairman of the Supervisory Committee cannot or does not fulfil the duty thereof, more than half of the supervisors may elect a supervisor to preside over the meeting.

Article 33Article 31

A general meeting convened by the shareholders themselves shall be presided over by a representative elected by the convener.

Article 34Article 32

When a general meeting is held and the presider violates these Rules which makes it difficult for the general meeting to continue, a person may be elected at the general meeting to act as the presider, subject to the approval of more than half of the attending shareholders with voting rights.

Article 35Article 33

The Board and the Supervisory Committee shall report their work in the preceding year at the annual general meeting. Also, every independent director should give a work report.

Article 36Article 34

In addition to the case involving the Company's commercial secrets cannot be disclosed, the directors, supervisors and senior management staff should make interpretation and illustration according to the queries of shareholders.

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Article 37Article 35

The presider shall, prior to voting, declare the number of attending shareholders and their proxies as well as the total number of their voting shares, and the number of attending shareholders and their proxies and the total number of their voting shares shall be as recorded in the meeting's register.

In addition to the presider of the meeting should make decisions under the principle of honesty and credit, allowing to make resolutions on purely procedural or administrative matters by a show of hands, On the general meeting, any proposal made by the shareholders must be carried out in the form of voting. "Procedure and administrative matters" includes:

  1. not contained in the agenda of the general meeting or any supplementary shareholders of circular; and (2) referred to the presider of the meeting shall maintained the meeting in order and / or permit assembly affairs more properly to process, while let all shareholders have responsibilities of having a reasonable opportunity to express their opinions.

Article 38Article 36

When the shareholders and the intended consideration of the general meeting are related, voting should be avoided; the voting shares held by the shareholders will not be counted into the total number of voting shares of shareholders who attend the general meeting. The announcement of the resolutions of the general meeting shall fully disclose the voting results of the non-related shareholders.

Article 39Article 37

The general meetings should consider significant matters affecting the interests of small investors; the voting of small investors should be counted separately. And the results shall be disclosed publicly timely.

The board of directors of the company, independent directors and shareholders who are qualified under relevant provisions can openly solicit the voting right of the shareholders. The purpose and information of soliciting the voting right of the shareholders should be fully disclosed. Prohibit paying or in any disguised form of compensation to solicit the voting right from the shareholders. And the company shall not limit the minimum shareholding percentage on soliciting the voting right.

Article 40Article 38

The Company has no voting right for the shares it holds, and such part of shares shall be excluded from the total number of voting shares represented by the shareholders attending the general meeting.

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Article 41Article 39

Resolutions in respect of the election of two or more directors or supervisors shall be passed by way of cumulative voting pursuant to the Articles of Association or resolutions of the general meeting. When the controlling proportion of controlling shareholders of the total number of shares of the company is over 30%, the meeting shall implement the cumulative voting system.

Cumulative voting mentioned in the preceding paragraph means that when directors or supervisors are being elected at a general meeting, each share has as many voting rights as the candidates for directors or supervisors, and the shareholders' voting rights may be used in a concentrated manner.

Article 42Article 40

Save under the cumulative voting system, the general meeting shall resolve on all the proposals separately; in the event of several proposals for the same issue, such proposals shall be voted on and resolved in the order of time at which they are submitted. Unless the general meeting is adjourned or no resolution can be made for special reasons such as force majeure, voting of such proposals shall neither be shelved nor refused at the general meeting.

Article 43Article 41

No amendment shall be made to a proposal when it is considered at a general meeting, otherwise, the relevant amendment shall be deemed as a new proposal and shall not be voted on at the general meeting. General meetings shall not determine matters not published in the notice.

Article 44Article 42

The same voting right can only be exercised in only one form: onsite, over the network, or otherwise. Where the same voting right is exercised more than once, the voting result of the first time shall prevail.

Article 45Article 43

A shareholder attending a general meeting shall express one of the following opinions on any proposal to be voted on: pro, con or abstention.

Securities registration and clearing institutions as the name of the holder of Shanghai and Hong Kong stock, but excludes the declaration according to the actual holders.

Blank, wrong, illegible or uncast votes shall be deemed as the voters' waiver of their voting rights, and the voting results representing the shares held by such voters shall be counted as "abstentions".

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Article 46Article 44

When proposals are voted on at the general meeting, two shareholders' representatives shall be appointed to count, and monitor counting of, the votes. Where any shareholder has interests in any issue considered, the said shareholder or proxy thereof shall not participate in counting and monitoring of ballots.

When proposals are voted on at the general meeting, the lawyer, shareholders' representative and supervisors' representative shall be jointly responsible for the counting and monitoring of the ballots.

Shareholders of listed companies or proxies thereof voting over the network or otherwise shall have the right to check their voting results via the corresponding voting system.

Article 47Article 45

A general meeting shall not conclude earlier at the venue than over the network or otherwise, and the presider shall announce the voting result of every proposal and announce whether the proposal is passed or not according to the voting result.

Before the voting result is announced, the relevant parties including the listed company, counting officer, monitoring officer, major shareholders and network service provider involved at the venue, over the network or otherwise shall have the confidentiality obligation.

Article 48Article 46

Resolutions of the general meeting shall be announced in due time. The announcement shall specify the number of attending shareholders and their proxies, the total number of voting shares they represent and the proportion of these shares to the total number of the voting shares of the Company, the voting method, the voting result for every proposal and the details of each of the resolutions passed.

The Company shall make statistics and report on the attendance and voting of the domestic Shareholders (A shareholders) and foreign shareholders (H shareholders), respectively.

Article 49Article 47

Where a proposal has not been passed or the resolutions of the preceding general meeting have been changed at the current general meeting, special mention shall be made in the announcement of the resolutions of the general meeting.

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Article 50Article 48

Minutes of a general meeting shall be kept by the Secretary of the Board or the company. The minutes of the meeting shall specify:

  1. the date, venue and agenda of the meeting, and the name of the convener;
  1. the names of the presider, and the directors, supervisors, president and other senior executives attending or present at the meeting;
  1. the number of shareholders and proxies attending the meeting, the total number of voting shares they represent and the proportion of these shares to the total number of shares of the Company;

(IV) the process of discussion in respect of each proposal, highlights of speeches and the voting result;

  1. details of the inquiries or suggestions of the shareholders, and the corresponding responses or explanations;

(VI) the names of the lawyer, counting officer and monitoring officer;

(VII) other contents that shall be recorded in the minutes in accordance with the Articles of Association.

The attending directors, supervisors, Secretary of the Board or the company, convener or representative thereof, and preside shall sign the minutes of the meeting, the convener shall ensure the meeting minutes are true, accurate and complete. The minutes of the meeting, the signed attendance record of those shareholders on the spot and the power of attorney for attendance by proxy, and the valid information relating to the voting over network or by other means shall be kept for 10 years.

Article 51Article 49

The convener shall ensure that the general meeting is held continuously until final resolutions have been reached. If the general meeting is terminated or fails to reach any resolution due to force majeure or for other special reasons, the convener shall take necessary action to resume the general meeting as soon as possible or directly terminate the general meeting and make a responsive announcement. Meanwhile, the convener shall report to authority appointed by CSRC in the location of the Company and the stock exchange.

Article 52Article 50

Where a proposal on election of directors or supervisors is passed at the general meeting, the directors elect or supervisors elect shall take office after announcement of the voting result.

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Article 53Article 51

Where a proposal on cash dividends, bonus shares or increase of share capital by way of transfer from capital reserves, the Company shall implement the specific scheme within two months after conclusion of the general meeting.

Article 54Article 52

If the resolution of the General Meeting is in violation of the laws and administrative regulations, the resolution will be invalid.

The controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the company shall not restrict or interfere with the small and medium investors in accordance with the law to exercise their right to vote, or damage to the company and the small and medium investors' legitimate rights and interests.

The procedure of convening the General Meeting and the voting formula are in violation of laws, administrative regulations or articles of association, or the resolution is in violation of the articles of association, the shareholders may after a resolution is made, from within 60 days, request the people's court to revoke.

Chapter 5 Supervisory Measures

Article 55Article 53

Within a prescribed time period defined by these rules, the listed companies do not to convene a general meeting without justifiable reasons, the stock exchange has rights to suspend trading and derivative products of the listed company, and require the board of directors to give explanations and make an announcement.

Article 56Article 54

If the convening and holding of the General Meeting and the disclosure of relevant information do not meet the requirements of laws, administrative regulations, the rules and articles of association, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and agency has the right to order it to make corrections, and the stock exchange to be publicly condemned; if the circumstances are serious or not to be corrected, the China Securities Regulatory Commission the relevant personnel to implement banning the entry into the securities market.

Article 57Article 55

If directors, supervisors, or secretaries of the board are in violation of the law, provisions of the administrative regulations, the rules and articles of association, and not earnestly perform their duties, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and its dispatched institution have the right to order them to make corrections, and the stock

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exchange will condemn them publicly; if the circumstances are serious or have not been corrected, relevant staff of the China Securities Regulatory Commission can make implements to ban the entry into the securities market.

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

Article 58Article 56

The announcement or notice of the Rules refers to the contents of the information disclosed in the designated newspapers and periodicals of China Securities Regulatory commission except as otherwise required by the relevant stock exchange or regulatory authority where the shares are listed. Notice or announcement with a longer length, the company may choose to specify the contents of the disclosure briefly in the designated newspapers and periodicals of China Securities Regulatory commission, but the full text should also be published on the website of the China Securities Regulatory commission.

Article 59Article 57

The phrases "more than" and "within" as mentioned in these Rules are inclusive while "exceeding", "less than" and "more than" are exclusive.

Article 60Article 58

In any of the following circumstances, the rules shall be amended to be:

  1. After the modification of the articles of association, the provisions of these rules are inconsistent with the articles of association of the amended;
  2. The General Meetings decide to amend the rules.

Article 61Article 59

The unsettle affairs of the rules are applicable to the provisions of the relevant laws, regulations, rules and regulatory documents and the articles of association. If the provisions of these rules are inconsistent with relevant laws, regulations, rules, regulations document and the articles of association and Hong Kong Listing Rules or Listing Rules of SSE, the provisions of relevant laws, regulations, rules, regulations document and the articles of association and Hong Kong Listing Rules or Listing Rules of SSE shall prevail.

Article 62Article 60

These Rules shall be subject to interpretation by the Board of the Company as an appendix of Articles of Association.

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Article 63Article 61

These Rules shall come into effect upon deliberation and approval of the general meeting of the Company and after IPO of the Company within the territory of the People's Republic of China and listing of the said shares in the stock exchange.

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福 萊 特 玻 璃 集 團 股 份 有 限 公 司

Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd.

(a joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(stock code: 6865)



Reference is made to the (i) circular of Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. (the "Company") dated 11 October 2019 (the "Circular"); (ii) notice of the extraordinary general meeting of the Company for the 2019 first extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on

26 November 2019 ("EGM") dated 11 October 2019 (the "Original Notice of EGM"); (iii) the supplemental circular of the Company dated 8 November 2019 (the "Supplemental Circular"); and (iv) the supplemental notice of the EGM dated 8 November 2019, which set out details of the resolutions to be proposed at the EGM for approval. Capitalised terms used in this supplemental notice shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Supplemental Circular unless otherwise specified.

SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that for the EGM to be held at Conference Room, Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd., 1999 Yunhe Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, the PRC, at 3:00 pm on 26 November 2019, for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following resolution, with or without modifications, the following resolutions in addition to the resolutions set out in the Original Notice of EGM:


To consider and approve the proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedures of General Meeting.

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To consider and approve:

  1. the proposed amendments to the Articles of Associations; and
  2. the Board be authorized to make changes in industrial and commercial registration and make relevant adjustments and revision to the Articles of Association in accordance with the requirements and opinions of the relevant government departments and regulatory authorities in the PRC, including but not limited to adjustment and revisions to characters, chapters and articles.

By order of the Board of

Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd.

Ruan Hongliang


Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, the PRC

8 November 2019

As at the date hereof, the executive directors are Mr. Ruan Hongliang, Ms. Jiang Jinhua, Mr. Wei Yezhong and Mr. Shen Qifu. Independent non-executive directors are Mr. Cui Xiaozhong, Ms. Hua Fulan and Mr. Ng Ki Hung.


  1. Shareholders should note that the Revised Proxy Form supersedes and replaces the Original Proxy Form and that the Original Proxy Form is void and invalid. SHAREHOLDERS WHO HAVE SIGNED AND RETURNED THE ORIGINAL PROXY FORM SHOULD COMPLETE AND RETURN THE REVISED PROXY FORM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED THEREIN
  2. Shareholders who are entitled to attend and vote at the EGM may appoint one or more proxies to attend and vote on their behalf. A proxy need not be a shareholder of the Company.
  3. The instrument appointing a proxy must be in writing under the hand of a Shareholder or his attorney duly authorised in writing. If the Shareholder is a legal person, that instrument must be executed either under its seal or under the hand of its director or other attorney duly authorised to sign the same.
  4. The Revised Proxy Form is enclosed with the Supplemental Circular. In order to be valid, the Revised Proxy Form must be deposited by hand or by post, for holders of H shares of the Company, to the H share registrar of the Company, Tricor Investor Services Limited, at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong and, for holders of A shares of the Company, to the head office in the PRC of the Company not less than 24 hours before the time for holding the EGM (or any adjournment thereof) for taking the poll. If the Revised Proxy Form is signed by a person under a power of attorney or other authority, a notarial copy of that power of attorney or authority shall be deposited at the same time as mentioned in the Revised Proxy Form. Completion and return of the Revised Proxy Form will not preclude Shareholders from attending and voting in person at the EGM or any adjourned meetings should they so wish.
  5. Shareholders or their proxies shall provide their identification documents when attending the EGM. If corporate Shareholders appoint authorised representative to attend the EGM, the authorised representative shall produce his/her identity documents and a notarised copy of the relevant authorisation instrument

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signed by the board of directors or other authorised parties of the corporate Shareholders or other notarised documents allowed by the Company. Proxies shall produce their identity documents and the Revised Proxy Form signed by the Shareholders or their attorney when attending the EGM.

  1. Shareholders attending the EGM shall be responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.
  2. The address of the head office in the PRC of the Company is 1999 Yunhe Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, the PRC.

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Flat Glass Group Co. Ltd. published this content on 08 November 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 08 November 2019 14:29:09 UTC