3D MakerJet Inc. introduced its new “open air” human-sized 3D scanner at its Orlando showroom by scanning Michael Pinera of Iron Butterfly and Blues Image fame, whose hit “Ride Captain Ride” became a Billboard sensation in 1970 and a popular anthem for an entire generation of rockers. While Pinera was the first, several celebrities have since been memorialized by the company's new product. Working to advance scanning technology, 3D MakerJet's full body scanner simplifies the user experience.

The company's model comes complete with a single stand-alone processor, display and proprietary software. This streamlined processor is in stark contrast to many of the bulky and claustrophobic enclosed scanners on the market. 3D MakerJet's model simply requires the subject to step onto an open revolving base and the entire process takes less than five minutes.

The company is marketing this innovative scanner to businesses and venues where this technology has not yet been available. The company also anticipates numerous law enforcement applications for the new product.