Forise International Limited announced the resignation of Siow Chee Keong as Independent Non-Executive Director effective. Job Title: Independent Non-Executive Director. Chairman of Audit Committee, Member of Remuneration Committee, Member of Nominating Committee.

Other DirectorShips Past: ABT Capital Pte Ltd. ERCG Systems Pte Ltd. Pico (Thailand) Public Company Limited NGF BioEnterprise Pte Ltd. Other DirectorShips Present: Compass Venture Inc. Ascent Bridge Limited Virtus Assure Pte Ltd. Reason For Cessation: From Mr. Siow's letter of resignation:- 1. Mr. Siow is of the opinion that, regardless of alternative approaches, management should pursue for the recovery of debt from Prisma AI Corporation Pte. Ltd. ("Prisma AI") by issuing a statutory letter of demand without further delay, particularly since there have already been two unsuccessful attempts by letters of demand issued to Prisma AI. 2. Mr. Siow had been requesting for a formal business plan (on 23 February 2023 and 9 March 2023), however the budgeted revenue for FY2023 received on 10 April 2023 still lacked detailed information (e.g. without earnings) to support a long-term sustainable growth strategy.

A board paper for a business plan is still outstanding as of the date of this announcement. 3. Change in substantial and controlling shareholders -- The Company has a new substantial and controlling shareholder of 21% shareholding interest; a new substantial shareholder of 11% shareholding interests; an Executive Director of the Company became a new substantial shareholder of 7.51% shareholding interests; and another Executive Director of the Company ceased to be a substantial shareholder (and shareholder entirely) when he disposed of his 12.11% shareholding interests; the foregoing off-market acquisitions and disposals of shares were announced accordingly on or around the same dates of transactions. 4. To revise his work-life balance at his current station-in-life.