Fractyl Health, Inc. presented new data from its preclinical Rejuva pancreatic gene therapy program as part of an oral presentation on May 19th, at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2024 in Washington, D.C. In the presentation titled ?Single-Dose GLP-1-Based Pancreatic Gene Therapy Maintains Weight Loss After Semaglutide Withdrawal and Reduces Hepatic Triglycerides in a Murine Model of Obesity,? data showed that Rejuva reduced liver weight by 42% (p<0.01) and liver triglyceride content by 67% (p<0.0001) compared to placebo two months after administration. Data also showed a reduction of 36% in total cholesterol and 51% in LDL cholesterol compared to placebo two months after administration (both, p<0.0001).

These results indicate the potential impact of this GLP-1 PGTx candidate to alleviate cardiovascular risk associated with increased levels of cholesterol. Rejuva is the Company?s modular, physiologic gene therapy platform with three key elements designed to enable successful pancreatic gene therapy: a proprietary delivery catheter designed to enable local, low-dose, therapeutic delivery directly to the pancreas via endoscopic access, vectors with tropism for the pancreatic islet to enable successful transduction and gene delivery with limited biodistribution, and transgenes with tissue-restricted promoters and metabolically active peptides that can durably impact glucose and weight control.