Frontera Group, Inc. announced that it will be launching an enhanced version of Intellimedia Network's Mixie AI 2.0 media asset discovery solution, enabling companies and content creators with large video repositories to better search and utilize video content. Millions of hours of video are uploaded and stored in databases everyday, by enterprises, news organizations, security cameras, professional content creators and other sources for a variety of applications. Most content is archived with manually-tagged keywords to broadly identify the content, making it difficult to discover without spending much time searching and reviewing to find the desired information.

Mixie AI 2.0's media asset discovery tool removes this challenge by automatically scanning live and archived video content to extract a wealth of metadata using AI media recognition engines that improve video searchability and add significant value for media, education, security, and surveillance as well as corporate training industries. Mixie AI 2.0 unlocks new capabilities such as more nuanced content recommendation engines, situational workflow automation, targeted contextual advertising from live and stored video libraries, and advanced security footage analysis. A browser accessible demonstration of Mixie AI 2.0's enhanced media asset discovery tool will be announced soon for users to upload their own content and discover a wealth of information from their existing videos.