Galilee Energy Limited provided an update on the 100% owned and operated Glenaras multi-well pilot programme ("Pilot") in the Galilee Basin ATP 2019. Prior to the interruption due to pump failure reported in the previous release, the Pump Enhancement Programme (PEP) progressively implemented mid-year was successfully drawing down the pressure across the Pilot area at an accelerated rate. The first direct pressure measurement confirming achievement of drawdown below the anticipated desorption pressure (~600 psi) was recorded in July 2021 at the central lateral well (G14L). A further opportunity for a direct pressure measurement followed a mechanical pump failure in the adjacent lateral G10 well during September, where a sub-600 psi measurement clearly confirmed the anticipated areal growth of the pressure "sink" in the central Pilot area. The pump failure also reported at that time in the vertical well G23 has subsequently enabled a pressure measurement at this outer Pilot location and has recorded a pressure depletion at this location of ~240 psi in the short period since implementation of the PEP. These data demonstrate clearly that since the recent implementation of the PEP, and with sustained high rates of water production at the vertical Pilot wells, the target pressure depletion across the Pilot area, and anticipated material increase in gas desorption rates consequent on such depletion, is well within reach. With the realisation of such rates, the Glenaras Pilot would unlock one of the largest (multi-TCF) uncontracted gas resources accessible to the supply-short eastern Australian gas market. The remaining challenge is to maintain the high +18,000 BWPD water rates which have demonstrably depleted pressures in the entire multi-seam Betts Creek sequence as far as 7 kms from the central Pilot area; it is important to stress that the pressure monitoring confirm that is drawing from the Betts Creek sequence only, and not the overlying Great Artesian Basin. The current priority is to install appropriately sized new pumps in the G10L, G23, and G20 wells incorporating modifications to improve the handling of gas production, leaving the central G14L well (a low water producing horizontal well in the R3 seam) as a valuable observation well.