Galileo Mining Ltd. provided an exploration update from ongoing RC drilling north of the Callisto palladium- platinum-gold-rhodium-nickel-copper discovery within the Company's 100% owned Norseman project in Western Australia. To date the company have undertaken scout RC drilling up to 500 metres north of Callisto with plans to extend this to 1,000 metres in the current program. The recent approval of proposed drill programs from the Department of Mines now allows for systematic drilling of the prospective geological horizons up to 3.5km north.

At the same time the diamond drill rig continues to drill down dip of Callisto where the mineralisation is interpreted to continue into Galileo's tenements. Scout RC drilling undertaken on an existing track 400 metres north of Callisto discovery drill hole NRC266 intersected disseminated nickel sulphide mineralisation with total sulphide content estimated at 5% over the logged interval in NRC346.(3) An adjacent drill hole 100m to the east (NRC347) also intersected disseminated sulphides with a lower overall abundance of logged sulphides. Two further drill holes were then completed with an 85-degree dip to establish the geometry and extent of mineralisation on the drill line (NRC353 and NRC354).

Portable XRF analyses has confirmed the presence of nickel sulphides which were logged in drill chips. Copper values registered on the pXRF were not significant and it is unknown whether the new nickel sulphide zone represents a similar style of mineralisation to that discovered at Callisto or a new mineralised domain. Diamond drilling continues at the Callisto discovery with the extent of sulphide mineralisation, and the geometry of metal distribution within the sulphide zones, yet to be determined.

Current interpretation of the metal enriched sulphide zone at Callisto implies that the high value metals are contained within a west- northwest to east-southeast trending corridor, open in both directions. Samples from the new zone of nickel sulphide have been submitted to the laboratory with first results expected in approximately five weeks. Exploration RC drilling will meanwhile continue to the north, targeting the interpreted prospective geological horizons on Galileo's tenements.