The Board of Genertec Universal Medical Group Company Limited announced that on 25 November 2022, after trading hours, CULC, GT Digital Tech, Genertec Guozhong Healthcare, Aerospace Medical & Healthcare Technology and GEM Flower Healthcare executed the Articles to establish the Joint Venture. Pursuant to the Articles, the registered capital of the Joint Venture will be RMB 200 million, among which, (i) CULC would contribute RMB 60 million, (ii) GT Digital Tech would contribute RMB 80 million, (iii) Genertec Guozhong Healthcare would contribute RMB 20 million, (iv) Aerospace Medical & Healthcare Technology would contribute RMB 20 million, and (v) GEM Flower Healthcare would contribute RMB 20 million. Upon the establishment of the Joint Venture, its registered capital will be held by CULC, GT Digital Tech, Genertec Guozhong Healthcare, Aerospace Medical & Healthcare Technology and GEM Flower Healthcare as to 30%, 40%, 10%, 10% and 10%, respectively, and the Joint Venture will not be accounted as a subsidiary of the Company.