Genesis Electronics Group Inc. announced that It has appointed Kevin Damoa as the New Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Damoa is an experienced Operations Professional and military veteran with a demonstrated history of working in the Aviation & Aerospace, Electrification, E-Mobility, and Defense industries. Mr. Damoa has held critical leadership positions at early start ups and well-established corporations.

His history includes Flight Module Logistics Management at SpaceX, Integration Project Manager at Northrop Grumann, Vice President at Romeo Power Technology, Vice President at XOS Trucks, Logistics & Safety Director at Canoo, and VP of Operations at Serial 1 Cycle Company. Mr. Damoa is skilled in Operations Management, Program/Project Management, Compliance Engineering, Logistics Operations, Team Building, Organizational Leadership, and Mechanical/Structural Design. This background and experience will be instrumental in the production of Gliders and development of business plan.

Prior to his appointment as CEO, Mr. Damoa was a Strategic Advisor to the Board of Directors. During his time as Strategic Advisor, it became apparent that Mr. Damoa contained the skills, experience and personality to lead the Company into this next exciting chapter of Company growth. As part of the appointment of Mr. Damoa as CEO, Braden Jones will resign as CEO but remain Chairman of the Board.