Global Health Limited announced its partnership with Woolworth Group's subsidiary HealthyLife initiative, in the implementation of their new telehealth service, which is providing convenient, virtual access to healthcare practitioners via a network of GPs, dietitians, nutritionists and in-house naturopaths. HealthyLife works with Global Health to provide a third-party platform that connects customers with qualified service providers including General Practitioners, dietitians and nutritionists. Through this partnership with Healthylife, Global Health will be providing three SaaS platforms, including Hothealth for online forms, online appointments and telehealth consults, ReferralNet for Securing Messaging, M+ for Allied Health practitioners and Primary Clinic (Hosted) for GP's. Global Health is excited to be working with HealthyLife.

This partnership highlights the strong confidence in world's best practice services that Global Health provides, and in first-class healthcare software.